Chapter 37: I Figured It Out

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Your POV

You can't help yourself. You're so excited that you've finally figured it out. You run into the other room that Mark ran into. Before you start running while you're still standing up, you could've sworn you saw something on the bookshelf move. It's probably just nothing. You stop in the doorway and see Mark and Wilford standing on opposite sides of the room. There is some very obvious tention in the air, but you try to ignore it. "Mark, I think I figured it out," you tell him, handing him the book and pointing to the paragraph that gives the answer to your long unanswered question. You decide to just hand it to him and leave before the tention between him and Wilford in the air turned to awkwardness between you and him. After all, you aren't even sure he's the one you love. 

Mark's POV

She points out a specific part of the page and walks out of the room. I feel a small uneasy feeling in my stomach. Why would she leave? If it could be a solution, wouldn't she want to talk about it? I read the words on the page. I have to make her fall back in love with me. Ir's so obvious. How did I not think of this before. I mean, she hasn't exactly given me the chance anyway, but still. Of course, I don't even know if she loved me before she lost her memory. If I knew she did, then I'd be sure I could do it again, but I'm not certain I suceeded the first time I tried. I have been trying to for 20 years and I don't even know if that was enough. 

I know this was short that's why it came in the same day as another update. Thank you all so much for reading and as always I will see you in the next chapter. 


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