June 22, 1995

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Today, I'm going over to Mark's house. I'm so excited! Well, I kind of go over there every day, but still.

Mark's birthday is coming up and I don't know what to get him yet. I haven't even asked him what he wants. I'll have to do that today.

So, I just got back from Mark's house. We had so much fun! The second I walked through the door, he said, "Now I'm gonna go hide and you seek." I wanted to argue, but I didn't. I'd let him have his fun as long as next round it was my turn to hide. Instead, I just turned toward the wall and counted to 10 instead of 20. He deserved it though, so I don't feel that bad about it. We played so many rounds of hide and seek that if I were counting, which I wasn't, I would've lost count.

And, I asked him what he wanted for his birthday. He said a video game, of course, for his Nintendo. I don't remember what it was called exactly, Magic Carpet 2, or something like that. I got him to tell my mom and she later told me when we were going home that she'll go get it. He'll be so happy. I love seeing him happy. Whenever he smiles, I smile.

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