Chapter 30: It Wasn't My Fault

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Your POV

You keep looking back and forth between the two Marks. How is this even possible? "Okay, someone better start talking and tell me what the fuck is going on here!" you demand. The Mark tied to the chair raises his eyebrows, you understand your request cannot be filled by him because of the cloth covering his mouth. You reach behind his head and untie it. He lets out a loud sigh of relief. "I'll explain. I'm the real Mark. I have no idea who that is," he motions his head toward the other Mark, "I remember the day you fainted in the park, Dark called me and told me to get there as soon as possible. I didn't even care that I was trying to record, I actually left the recording running. Anyway, I rode to the hospital with you in the ambulance. You were passed out for a few days. One day, I saw someone walk in the door. The just came over to me and forced me to come outside. Of course, I told them I refused to leave your side, but I was threatened. I still refused, then the next thing I know I'm tied to a chair out in some house that looks vaguely familiar. But the most shocking part is that the person was-" Mark is cut off by laughter coming from a dark corner of the room. 

All of a sudden, Dark comes running up to you, "(F/n), you don't understand. I can explain everything. I love you so much. I didn't mean for any of this to happen." He tries to wrap his arms around you, but you push them away, "Dark, this is not okay." "(F/n), please, just come talk to me and let me explain." You look over at the two Mark's, debating internally whether or not to go with him. You walk out the doorway, "You've got five minutes."

You two walk around outside. "Look, I know this all looks really bad, but I can explain everything. When we were walking in the park, I didn't get to tell you everything I needed to. This is really hard to say so I'm just going to say it. I have cancer. When you went into the hospital, later that day, I felt an ache in my head. I went in to the hospital myself, but then I sneaked out of my own room to see you. I saw Mark in there and I got so pissed, I couldn't deal with it. So, I brought him here. I love you, (F/n), I don't want you to end up with someone else. And if that makes me sound selfish then so be it, but I am in love with you." 

Dark's words stun you. You have so many emotions, anger, sadness, hatred, and sympathy, all going through your mind at once. "Dark, I'm sorry. I really am. That must be a horrible thing to go through, but what you did. What you did was just as horrible and I can't forgive you for that," you turn your back from him and walk back inside. 

One Mark is helping to untie the restrained Mark. Once freed, he stands and rubs his wrists. "Okay, so then who are you?" you point your attention to the other Mark. "I'm so sorry," he says. His accent. You know exactly who it is. "Wilford, how could you do this?" you ask him. "I'm so sorry. Dark forced me to go along with his plan." You think for a moment, "Wait, I talked to you in the car. How could you be Mark sitting beside me while talking to me on the phone as Wilford at the same time?" "That was me. We basically switched roles. That was not my idea. It was all Dark," Mark speaks up. 

You remember something that you thought was insignificant at first, but now you realize, it's time. "Let me see that," you walk over to Wilford and take the book out of his arms. You open it up to see it hollowed out. Inside, sits a smaller book. It's familiar. You've definitely read it before. You hand Wilford the larger book and look inside the other. It's your journal. 

It's the exact same as it was when you read it before. You scan through the pages. Nothings changed. You look at the back page, seeing what's different.

Hey guys! Looks like its almost over, don't forget tell me in the comments what you want for the sequel.

BIG NEWS! Mark, Bob, and Wade are going to be at Indy Popcon on my (and Mark's) birthday, June 28th. And I GET TO GO!!! I'M SO EXCITED! Hopefully I'll actually get to see a Markiplier panel! Dreams really do come true.

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading and as always, I will see you in the next chapter.

Bye bye!

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