Chapter 21: I've Got It

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Mark's POV

We've been in Cincinnati for about three days now. One thing we forgot to bring, was a plan. We have no clue where to start. We've been sitting in a hotel for the past three days trying to think of how we can fix this. (F/n) paces the floor while I lay down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, hoping for an epiphany. "Maybe we could... no. What if we... that won't work. How about... Ugh this is so hard!" she almost yells as she falls down onto the bed beside me. She turns to her side and looks at me, "you're sure you don't remember where it's at?" Honestly, I don't. This city has changed so much since we were kids. That house and those woods are probably long gone by now. I wish I would've thought of all of this before we came out here. "Now us being here seems pretty pointless. I'm sorry," I sigh. "No, Mark. It's okay. It's not your fault, don't blame youself. This is a pretty nice getaway besides everything else that's going on. It's a lot more peaceful here than it is in LA," she scoot a little closer to me. "I miss it. A lot actually. The only reason I really went to LA was because there's more opportunities for my job out there," I come to a sudden realization, "Shit!"

I run over to my bag as fast as possible. (F/n) quickly shoots to her feet, "What's wrong?" I grab my laptop and open it, wishing it would turn on faster, "I haven't uploaded in day. They're all probably worried sick!" I can hear (F/n)'s sigh of relief. I quickly find my file of prerecorded videos and get onto my YouTube channel. When I log in, I see that there are some videos already posted. One from two days ago, another from 1 hour ago. Who could've gotten into my account? I've never told anyone my password for YouTube. I click on the one from a couple days ago called "Every three words," and watch it. I see Dark, in my recording room, staring into the camera.

She who stays, lives t' tell
Except behind a cell
the old man wishing, wish you well

His words sound like a poem, but his words cold as ice. The video only lasts about ten seconds, then cuts to black. I look down at the comments, none of them make any sense. "Why is this just a ten seconds video of Mark's wall?" "WHERES MARK?!" "da fuq" This isn't just my wall, Dark's there. This makes no sense. I almost don't even notice (F/n) looking over my shoulder, until she moves a little closer to the screen. "But he's right there. What?" she asks the same questions I'm asking myself. "How can they not see him? Are we the only ones able to see him?" she has a point. This would be a logical answer to our questions. "Maybe. That's the only thing that makes sense at this point. But why are we the only ones able to see him?" I ask her. "What does that poem even mean?" I press the replay button as she says the words. She grabs a pen and paper and writes down his words. "She who stays, lives t' tell. Except behind a cell. The old man wishing, wish you well? What the hell does that mean?" she questions. There are so many questions, but no answers.

2 hours later

"Okay, so let's try to think. We came here to find the witch to hopefully reverse the curse. We come here, then Dark posts that creepy ass video. Maybe it's a hint?" she says, looking at the paper closer. "Let's just piece everything together. What about the title? Every three words?" Her eyes light up and she jumps to her feet, "I got it."

Can you figure it out? The first person who can guess it, then... umm... you can get a prize? Maybe? Don't hold me to that.

Anyway, thank you all for almost 4K already. You guys really give me a purpose, I love doing this everyday. Thank you all so much. And as always, I will see you in the next chapter.

Bye bye!

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