Chapter 28: This Is It

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Your POV

He pulls in to a small gravel driveway. Nothing in sight except hundreds upon hundreds of trees. You feel all relief and stress leave you. You have a feeling inside like one where you just get home after a long trip, and oh how you've longed for that feeling. Every since you woke up for the first time in that hospital, which feels like forever ago, you have felt very uncomfortable all the time. Like you are somewhere surrounded by things you've never seen before. You haven't know who to trust or who to cross off completely. The constant feeling of uncertainty has long over stayed it's welcome. And now it's time to fix it. 

Mark continues to drive for a good half a mile, then, you can finally see it. An old house. Sadly, this isn't the one you're looking for, but it's a start. He parks the car and you immediately get out. You feel the gears in your brain start moving, as if getting ready to start working again. This is the house Mark used to live at, you knew this for sure. Mark looks around, "Wow, this place hasn't actually changed all that much." When you hear his voice, an overwhelming feeling of guilt comes over you, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go off like that." "It's okay. I understand that sometimes you just have to let it out. But, please, don't be mad at Wilford. I'm sure you guys can work it out," his face full of sorrow and pity. Why would he defend Wilford? "Mark, I just want to move on," you tell him. "I understand. Poor guy," he mumbles the last part under his breath. "What's that suppose to mean?" you say angrily. "He loves you. He knows in him mind, there is no one else on earth for him except you," his eyes fill with sorrow. "Look, Mark, I don't want to get into this right now," you turn and walk toward the house. 

Inside, everything is covered in cobwebs. The once bright colors have long turned to greys. A memory comes back to you. Not one from before, but after all your original ones left. You clearly see Dark's face telling you what to do. You immediately exit through the backdoor, not even bothering to look around the house anymore or even say anything to Mark. You can hear Mark say, "Where are you going?" before the door closes behind you. You walk, unknowing of where you're going. The only thing you know is that you're looking for a well, and that you will do anything to find it.

You see nothing for who knows how long. Then, you see it. Finally, you start running to it. The well. You look down into it, but see only darkness. You hear fast footsteps behind you. You quickly turn around and see Mark running through the bushes to catch up to you. you notice something in his arms. "What's that?" you ask him. "It's a book. Wilf- Sorry, but he told me to only open this at the right time. I assume that time will be here eventually." Him saying Wilford's name brings a sudden rush of sadness and anger. You try to brush it off to continue your journey. "If the house is that way, then the witches house must be this way," you point and begin walking. 

You walk, once again, for who knows how long. The sun is visibly starting to fade, creating eerie shadows throughout the woods. The moment it comes into your view, you instantly know you've found the place. You walk up to the front door and start to turn the knob, "This is it."

Sorry this was short! I'm so sad that this book will probably be ending soon. How soon, I don't know. But would you guys like a sequel? If so tell me in the comments what you would want to see in a possible sequel!

Thank you all so much for reading and as always, I will see you in the next chapter!

Bye Bye!

When The Games End (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now