Chapter 31: Be Strong

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Your POV

"I need some air," you say and walk out side as fast as possible. You sit down on the front porch, but not before looking around. Dark is nowhere in sight thank god. You try to process everything that's happened in the past few days.

Everything you thought you knew, you're now questioning. The Mark you thought you were in the car with was actually Wilford. The confusing part is when they actually switch. Okay, so lets start from the beginning. You were at home. You said goodbye to Wilford, then got on the plane with Mark. Later on, Dark showed up, that's when you fainted. Apparently, while you were out, Dark went into the hospital for his own reasons and then switched Mark and Wilford. So Wilford acted as Mark and Mark acted as Wilford, but only from the time you woke up in the hospital to now. Why would Dark do this? What was his motivation? I think I've got it, you think to yourself. You stand up to go back inside when you hear a loud thud nearby. You look around the corner of the porch and see Dark, lying on the ground. You rush over to him, his eyes closed. You check his pulse, its there, but its faint. "Wilford! Mark! Get out here!" you call for them. They come running out the front door. The look around for you then rush over. "What happened?" Mark asks. "I don't know. I was out here thinking and I heard him fall. Call 911," you order.

Two Days Later

Dark has been in the hospital for a couple days. He's in critical, but stable condition. He has yet to come to conciousness. Did you like the guy? You honestly weren't sure. Everything he's done was just horrible. Unforgiveable even, maybe. But his heart was big and you could see it. Most people probably can't but you do have a little sympathy for they guy. He talked to you like no other would. All these feels, they're so conflicting.

You, Mark and Wilford make a trip up to the hospital to see if he's awake, or better, anything at this point. Mark and Wilford agree to stay behind in the waiting room and allow you to go in first. You close the door behind you. Seeing him laying completely still is terrifying, but the beeps from the monitor beside his bed assures you he's still breathing. You walk over and sit down next to him and take his hand in yours, soaking in every moment with him.

A few minutes later, the doctor walks in. You stand and look anxiously, "any news?" The doctor shakes his head, "it's not looking good. The cancer is spreading from the original sight to every organ in his body. He doesn't have much time left. I'm sorry." you nod your head and sit back down, trying to process your feelings. Are you sad? Are you happy? Could you have misjudged him? Could you have underestimated him? Can you find the pity deep down inside yourself to give to him? There's no one in the world who wouldn't feel bad for him.

You sit there for who knows how long, lost in though, holding his hand, and listening to the sweet sound of the beeping machine. Who would've known such an annoying sound could bring such peace of mind. All of a sudden, you feel something. Somethings moving. You're pulled from your thoughts and back to reality. You look at your hand. The grey skin in your hand moves. You let out a small gasp. "Dark?" you say quietly. His head moves a little toward the sound of your voice. "Hey. (F/n)," he smiles at you. It's a small, weak smile, but it's still uplifting. "How are you feeling?" you get the question out, still in shock that he woke up. You thought he wouldn't before he... never mind.

"I'm okay. You know, this bed isn't very comfortable," he chuckles a little at his own joke. You laugh a little back, finding it hard to be cheerful in a time like this. "You know, Dark, the doctor said-" "I heard what the doctor said," he cuts you off, "I just don't want to think about it. I figured if I'm going to die, might as well die happily. And there's nothing on earth that makes me happier than you." His words make your eyes grow watery. He notices, "come on, (F/n). Be strong. If I'm not crying you aren't allowed to." He continues smiling at you, "I love you, (f/n). I know I've said it a million times before, and I'll say it a million times over. I am in love with you. And I know that oblivion is inevitable and I don't have much time left, but I am in love with you. You're just so beautiful and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of looking at beautiful people. At this point, I don't even care if you don't love me back. I just want you to know that I know I messed up, more than once, but I did everything to try to get closer to you. When I lied to you at first, I wanted to get close to you. I wanted to skip the awkward part of relationships to be closer to you. To get into the deeper connection of a real relationship faster. And when I pulled the stunt of switching Mark and Wilford, I know it was wrong but I wanted to get them out of the picture so I could have you. I realize now that it was stupid and immature, of course I only realize it now that it's too late. You make me crazy and I'm sorry it makes me go to extremes, I just can't handle these feelings. I just love you so much I don't know what to do." You see his eyes start to tear up and find a year trickle down his face, "okay, I'm crying now so you can too," and with his words, you completely break down.

Hey guys! Sorry for late and probably short update. Please tell me what you guys think of Dark, what you guys say will impact the next chapter. A LOT.

AND tell me what you guys want to see in a sequel! I'm so sad this stories almost over. Thank you all for the support and love, you are what keeps me going everyday. I love each and everyone of you. You can do anything your heart desires, you just have to try.

And as always, I will see you in the next chapter.

Bye bye!

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