Rwby Vol.8 Part 8

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--No POV--

Qrow sits up from his slumber, hearing the distant explosions of...something. He looks around and can see that everyone else wasn't able to sleep too.

Robyn: Yep, not getting much sleep here either. Sounds bad out there... (the whooshing gets louder) | Qrow: Wait, that doesn't sound like...! GET DOWN!

The wall in front of Qrow explodes and he shifted into, well, a crow. He starts crowing at Robyn before some debris crushed the camera, giving us a cliff hanger.

--Y/n's POV--

I pick up William's body as a accidentally crushed pieces of his frozen, fractured wings.

Y/n: C'mon, bring 'em to Klein! See if he can patch them up too!

As we bring William and Penny to Weiss' room, I noticed that the chilling aura has shifted. William made sure he held back the aura, but during battle, it would be taxing and heavy, like some sort of acid. Now, it feels electric and...mechanical?

Blake: *opens the door for us* They lost consciousness and bleeding, while Penny's...leaking. | Klein: Set them down, set them down.

I placed William next to Nora while Ruby, Weiss, and Whitley laid Penny down on some sort of lounge.

Ruby: Can you help her? (little explanation later) | Klein: *uses a scroll to look into Penny's internal systems* Even based on what you've told me, I hardly know what she is. (clears throat) But her basic anatomy seems similar enough. I can at least stitch up that wound.

Thunder loudly rumbled in the background, making us pass a moment in silence. Another thunder echoed and the power got shut down throughout the manor.

Whitley: Oh that's just rich.

May: *calls Ruby* Everyone okay back there? Just saw another bombing run light up the kingdom. | Ruby: Looks like part of the city lost power. We're okay though. | May: Sorry I couldn't stick around but time's running out for everyone in the crater. | Ruby: No, we're sorry. Once we know what's wrong with Penny and William, we'll...we'll do something. | May: Don't beat yourself up kid. At this point, I don't know how much is left to be done.

May hangs up and Ruby starts to tear up...

Ruby: It's all just too much... (Me and Weiss placed a hand on her shoulder) The Grimm, the crater, Nora, Penny, William, how do we fix all of it? | Klein: *sneezes* One step at a time, my dear. (sneezes again before clearing his throat) You can't worry about fixing everything, simply focus on what's in front of you. If you'd like some place to start, I'd be able to work faster if you could bring the power back on.

Y/n: Alright, where? | Weiss' Mother: *pops out of nowhere, leaning on the door frame* We have a generator near the edge of the estate... (I look toward the bottle of wine in her hands then to her...a faint speck of rage spawns as she reminds me a bit of Mom...)

Whitley: *sighs* So kind of you to join us, mother. | Willow: Believe it or not, I am above drinking in the dark. (sees Klein) Oh, hello, Klein. (he responds with a quiet nod)

Weiss: SDC Executives have their own auxiliary power supplies in case of a city-wide blackout. Its...extremely unfair, but perhaps now isn't such a bad time for company perks. | Whitley: We...don't just have perks. | Weiss: Hm? | Whitley: We have the company! The people you mentioned in the crater, they need a way out, right? There are rows and rows of cargo ships just sitting there in the hangers because of the embargo. 

Weiss: And our own automated drones, like the ones at Snowshoe Shipping! We can order as many as we need to pilot our ships down to the crater and get people to safety while the Grimm are occupied with the General's forces. | Blake: We can? | Whitley: I can. I just need Father's computer. | Ruby: Then we definitely need to get the power back on.

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