RWBY Vol.6 Part 2

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--Your POV--

Yang:Salem can't be killed,you all heard her too right? | Ozpin:I-- | Yang:There was so much you hadn't told us! How could you think that was okay!?

You:*stern* What is your plan to defeat Salem,Ozpin? | Ozpin:I...don't have one. | You:*growls* YOU--

Qrow cut me off as he punched Ozpin onto a tree.

(I should be careful not to shout,i know for a fact that my voice can go to a higher tone than girls can) [Not saying your a sissy,some people have the ability to sing really,REALLY high,like i do,and my friend can do as well]

Qrow:No one wanted me,I was cursed,I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world. I thought I was finally doing some good. | Ozpin:But,you are-- | Qrow:Meeting you was the worst luck of my life.

Ozpin was visibly shocked to hear Qrow saying these words

Ozpin:........maybe your right

Oscar's eyes glow a yellow hue,and he was back in control,and he was able to feel the punch that Qrow gave.

Ruby:What happened? | Oscar:He's gone. | Yang:That bastard! Tell him we're not done yet! | You:No,its different this time,I can tell from his aura. | Oscar:Yeah,its like he locked himself deep inside my head,our head? (grunts) I hate this! I want it to stop!

Weiss:He just left us? | Blake:What are we gonna do now? | You:Enough! (coughs) We have to move,its about to be dark soon,and we're emitting beacons of negativity. (I help Oscar up) | Old Lady:Took the words out of my mouth,young man. I saw a trail earlier,and trails usually lead to somewhere. | Yang:Lady,I dont know you think you are but-- | You:Enough with it Yang,I understand that you're upset,all of you are,I've been through difficult hardships as well,but I don't hold grudges. And,although I can barely see it,the trail leads to somewhere,but the trees are blocking it from my point of view,so,if we don't move,we will die.

Old Lady:And I'll be damned if I've lived this long just to die out here in the cold!

Ruby:He's right,c'mon

Everyone gets their luggage and I called them out to put them into the bubble rune.

Old Lady:*surprised* Are you the--? | You:Yes,I am a Draconazha,got a problem with it? | Old Lady:Oh! No,not at all,its just I have a deep fascination of your kind. | You:*surprised* Oh,thank you,I'm sorry for my hostility,miss...? | Old Lady:Maria Calevera,and its an honor to meet you. | You:It's nice to meet you too,Mrs. Calevera. | Maria:Oh,please,stop with the honorifics,just call me Maria. | You:*chuckles* Alrighty then.

We started walking,but 30 minutes has passed,and the trail seem to lead to a very far place.

Qrow:Doesn't look like this is gonna let up. | Blake:Just wanna get this stupid relic to Atlas. | Weiss:Let's hope we don't have to walk all the way there. | Niko:Honestly Weiss,Atlas is about a few hundreds,or even thousands,of miles away from here,i doubt were gonna walk from here to there so easily. | Weiss:You've been to Atlas? | Niko:Yea. | Weiss:How come I didn't hear any news about you? | Niko:I've been 'round there for missions,but I preferred to keep my identity a secret. | Weiss:Why? | Niko:So the police doesn't go for me immediately when Cinder called us out.


Yang:I thought trails led somewhere. | Maria:Do you have nothing better to do than to harass a 'defenseless old lady' | You:Quiet please. (i hold out my hand)

I then focused into my hearing,and I can feel Niko is doing the same as well.

You:Hear that Niko? | Niko:Yeah,iron squeaking with rust. | You:Lets hurry up guys.

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