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Double upload cuz why not?

--Y/n's POV--

I flew as fast as I could toward the manor and went inside, ready to protect anyone but they were able to take the Grimm down. Everyone was taking it easy before I came in, it seems. However, Ruby tensed up when she sees me.

Y/n: Ey. Is that dog Grimm, or whatever it is, dead? | William: Yeah. Where were you? | Y/n: I...think I had some sort of heart attack, but much worse. | William: Oh shit, really?! | Y/n: Yeah, I'm fine now, thanks to...erm...damn this is just adding more to the confusion... | Ruby: *walking up to me* Y/n, the last time we saw Drax is when he can take over your body, how's he able to make a body for himself...? | Y/n: *sigh* Let's get back in Weiss' room first so I can take a breather...

They nod and we moved to her room. We all take a seat as I realize that William's...weaker? He doesn't have the Maiden power anymore.

William: You noticed it? | Y/n: Y-Yeah...what happened? | William: After you, I'm more interested on this Drax dude. | Y/n: Alright, if you say so...well, Drax is me, but...I think he's the very culmination of my bloodlust. I don't know how he came to be, he just...pop! "I'm here now!" ...I think its my brain's way of trying to save myself from losing who I am, practically making me kinda bipolar.

Ruby: We met him before, and I did just minutes ago but... | Y/n: Yeah, he likes to explore and test new stuff. He certainly changed, though. He used to be controlling, now...he's kinda like my best friend, in a way. Jack's still got first place though. (dryly chuckles)

Suddenly, my skin starts to crack again and some sort of dust floats away from my body, creating a figure that looks similar to me.

Drax: Oh haha. (rolls his eyes)

Blake: So... | Drax: Why I look like Y/n? Good question. I can take the form of anyone I want, but sincerely I just prefer Y/n's, because I feel more like me when I look like him.

Weiss: I'm not the only one feeling it, right? | Ruby: Like something's watching us? | Drax: That's my fault. All of you, except Y/n, will have to constantly feel like something's watching you. I'm evil incarnate. I can't help it... | William: What the hell does that mean? | Drax: I wish I knew, but unfortunately I don't. | Y/n: You don't even know how you were...manifested? | Drax: Nope. | Y/n: Hrm. Also, didn't you say you don't want to show yourself or something earlier? | Drax: Changed my mind. | Y/n: T_T

William: So, what happened to you while we were dealing with the Grimm? | Drax: I was saving him, patched up his heart after being ripped apart due to too much stress being exerted to the scar tissues keeping it together. | William: You can't be saying you used Fraemirya's magic, right? | Weiss: Frae who? | Drax: I did. It was the only way to heal him right now, even if it hurts... | William: Yeah, she only shares that power with us, and that's pretty much a holy or good type of magic, so that would be dangerous for you! | Drax: *furrowed brows* You'd risk your life if it means it'll save Y/n as well, William.

William was taken back from his words, not expecting such behavior from "evil incarnate". Hell, he was even surprised himself that he seemed to be worried for this side of Y/n.

Klein: Who is this "Frae" you speak of? | Ruby: She's, uh, kinda like some sort of fairy godmother of sorts, but with literal magic powers! | Y/n: Basically, yeah. (chuckles) She's the first Draconazha born in my family, making her my really, really old ancestor. | Weiss: How old, exactly? | Y/n: It'd be rude of me to ask a woman her age. | Weiss: *scoffs*

Drax: Now, my turn. What happened to the Winter Maiden's power, William? Why is it in Penny now? | Y/n: I was about to ask that again too... | William: Well, I think I just found another rule on how it works. They really get disappointed quickly and broke some of the rules that I thought they'd never be broken and transferred itself from me to Penny when, I think, I made the ice shell to save her. 

Y/n: I thought...? | William: Yeah, me too, but its too late now. Penny's the new Winter Maiden, and I think someone somehow knew that ahead of us and that's the reason why Penny's outside of Weiss' room when she should be inside.

Drax: Your wings, I saw them that they were shattered to pieces. | William: *ticked off* Do you just see everything through Y/n's eyes? | Drax: Rarely, I mostly float around him like a ghost. | Y/n: How come I never see or felt you with the Third Eye? | Drax: *shrugs* Concealing my aura and being careful. | Y/n: You always gonna act like a jerk? | Drax: *sad* Ey, its just who I am, okay? | Y/n: *looks down, feeling guilty* S-Sorry.

You are me, so...

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