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Adrien watched Marinette talking about Alya to him. She was smiling and laughing sometimes. Adrien missed her a lot. He was angry with nathelie for keeping him away from his wife. Adrien didnt want to go first but Nathelie said something he never want to hear again. So he agreed to leave Marinette alone in Paris for a month but somehow the month turned to four months. When Nathelie informed Adrein that theyll be going to Paris again, he was in cloud nine. He kept glancing at his watch counting minutes and seconds to see his wife, Marinette again. His heart leaped out from his heart when he saw Marinette waiting for him in the airport waiting area. He thanked the god for bringing Marinette to his dull life and lighting up with her beautiful smile and bubbly self.

" Adrien, are you alright? You spaced out." Marinette leaned closer and took Adrien's hand to hers. Adrien grinned.

"Im alright princess. just thinking how lucky i am to have you in my life."

" Oh shut up. You know im the lucky one here. Doesnt matter, if you are finished, you can go rest while i wash the dishes." Marinette stood up with the empty dishes. Adrien took her hand before she could walk away.

" You still didn't tell me what happened in the last four months while I was gone."

" Go rest Adrien. I'll come tell you once I'm done with the dishes. I'll wake you up then." Adrien let go of Marinette's hand sighing. Plagg poked out his head from Adrien's shirt.

" Chill out Adrien. She'll tell you sometime. It's a long story. And she wouldn't like to tell you because you'll yell out in anger once you hear the story." Plagg said stuffing his mouth with cheese. Adrien raised his eyebrows.

" So you know what happened and didn't tell me?" Adrien crossed his arms standing up.

" I'm still hungry." Plagg flew away to the kitchen without replying to Adrien. Adrien waited for Marinette in their bedroom but he eventually fell asleep without him knowing. After Marinette was done cleaning the dishes, she came to join Adrien but found him asleep. Eventhough she said she'll wake Adrien up once she finish cleaning the dishes she didn't have a heart to wake up him seeing him sleeping. So she too joined him to sleep.

Next morning, Adrien woke up before Marinette and waited for her to wake up. A scowl was on his face all morning.

" Alright pretty boy. If you are so interested n knowing what happened in the last four months, I'll tell you." Marinette sat beside Adrien on the couch. A small smile made way into Adrien's face. " Four months ago master Fu called me saying he needed to meet me. Plagg was the one who brought me the message. I thought he called me to test a new found power up but no. He told me a story. The story of Agreste family." Adrien gave a what look at Marinette.

"Story of Agreste family?"

" Yes. Tell me Adrien, have you ever met your grandmother?"

" No."

" Then do you know how old she was when she died?"

" 29." Replied Adrien still in confused state.

" Thought so. Then do you know how old your mother was when she disappeared?"

" Around 32 I think. I don't remember."

" Hmmm...You won't believe e if I say this." Marinette paused. " Your grandfather, great grandfather, great great grandfather, great great great grandfather and the ones before, were miraculous holders."

" What?"

" Everything Marinette saying is true Adrien."Tikki said flying over to Adrien and sitting on his shoulder.

" It's not that I don't belive her. It's just I can't believe my grandparents were miraculous holders. Wow." Adrien was awestruck.

" I wouldn't say wow if I were you." Tikki muttered.

" Why?" Adrien looked at Tikki and then at Marinette.

" They used miraculouses just to satisfy their needs." Marinette paused. " Adrien do you know why all women under the name Agreste die or disappear in such a young age?"

" No."

" This all starts with your great great great grandfather."

" My great great great grandfather?"

" Yup. Plagg you can come here." Marinette said to the small kwami who was listening to the conversation from the kitchen. The black kwami flew over to Marinette and sat on her lap.

" Plagg, are you alright?" Adrien asked slowly patting his kwami's head.

"He's just sad."

" because of what?"

" Remembering the past." Tikki pulled Plagg for a hug.

" The miraculous your great great great grandfather used was..." Marinette paused staring at the black cat kwami on her lap.

" The black cat miraculous." Plagg completed the sentence.

" WHAT?"

" yes."

" OH MY GOD! My great great great grandfather was the cat miraculous holder?"

" Yes."

" That's awesome!"

" There's nothing awesome in there Adrien." Plagg muttered.

" Why?"

" Because..."


I'm really sorry for not publishing a new chapter. I've become so lazy because of covid 19. SO  that's why i didnt update chapters. Eventhough my book is still ongoing for the past few months while I havent published a single chapter, this book has gain a lot of readers, comments, votes. And some even added this to their reading lists. So thank you for reading this book and thank you for waiting for a new update. I know i've said ths many times before but I'll try ( highlight the word try) to update more often. Thanks again. See you later readers. Peace out!

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