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"The day I saw you first, you were mad with me. That day was a rainy day. I gave you the umbrella and in return you gave me your heart. I gave you my heart but we both didn't know about it. When I looked at you in the eye, I knew your are different and you are someone who is precious to me. But I was dense to see my love though we were lot closer. But after ages of being dense, I finally opened my eyes to see the love I have for you.
Marinette Due pain cheng, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever see. Your dark blue wavy hair, your bright blue bell eyes, your rosy soft cheeks, your pink lips all makes you the most beautiful person. Not also your out look is beautiful. You have a golden heart. I remember when we were dense teenagers, you always helped everyone you vcan. You even helped Lila and Chloe. You were our everyday ladybug. You are our everyday ladybug and you will be our everyday ladybug.
Marinette Due pain cheng, I, Adrien Agreste is willing to call you mine forever and to share my life with you. My lady, will you marry me?" Adrien was kneeling down in front of Marinette.

When the spot light fell on to Marinette, she heard Adrien's voice but she couldn't say from where. But she listened to it very carefully. When Adrien finished his speech, another spot light fell on to Adrien who was kneeling in front of Marinette with a small velvet box in his hands. By then Marinette was crying with happiness.

Meanwhile Adrien was regreting his decision. He was thinking about what ifs.

"what if she rejects me?"
"what if she doesn't want to share her life me as a wife but as a girlfriend?"
"what if she was using me to get popular?"

Adrien came back to reality when he felt a hand on his left cheek.

"Why are you always so sweet Adrien?" Marinette asked bending down. Adrien gave a love sick smile.

" I thought I already told you my answer kitty. Yes. I will marry you." Marinette smiled back. Adrien felt like he was going to explode from happiness. All he did was kiss Marinette. He didn't care the whole world was watching them. He deepened the kiss. They broke away when they heard clapping sounds and whistles.

" I love you Marinette."

"i love you too Adrien."

Here you go Agreste fans. Adrien proposed to Marinette. What do you think? Leave a comment. Bye!

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