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" While I was in a coma, I saw everything. Everything about your parents, grandparents everything. I even saw your childhood. You were so cute." Marinette giggled as Adrien's cheeks turned crimson. " The four months you were away, I saw everything you did too." Adrien covered his face embarrassed of what he did four months ago.

" Everything you did saved Marinette from falling into a deep sleep." Plagg said.

Adrien remembered him avoiding women as much as he could. He didn't go to any parties. Waiting past midnight for a call from Marinette. Crying himself to sleep because of not hearing Marinette's voice after a long time. Eating only bread for food. Staring at the tv screen hoping to hear something about Marinette. Crying to Nathelie's shoulder saying Marinette doesn't love him anymore. Spending most of the time in his hotel room thinking about Marinette and talking with Plagg about Marinette.

" Did you see everything?" Adrien groaned when Marinette nodded. " I'm too embarrassed to look at you now."

" Nothing to be embarrassed about. Anyway, the former Ladybugs spoke to me. They asked me about you and showed me how you stayed in those four months. You won't believe me but I even saw Tikki and Plagg in their godly form." Marinette patted Plagg's and Tikki's head lightly. " I don't know what happened after I saw these two. What really happened Tikki? Plagg?"

" It's better if you don't know." Tikki said finally.

" So everything I saw was real." Adrien muttered.

" What are you talking about?" Other three were confused.

" I saw some visions a few times. I saw you in a glass box. My mom was too in a one next to yours. Then I saw someone like me hitting you. I also saw you running around with some small kids...I saw a lot like them." Adrien explained.

" That was the test ha?" Marinette muttered.

" What test?"

" The former Ladybugs did a test on you. They showed you some emotional visions to see how you react. So they can see your heart."

" Ohhh..."

" That's enough of emotional talks for now. I'm hungry."

" Let's go get something for you to eat." Marinette stood up.

" I'm going out for a while." Marinette turned to Adrien as he said that. " I'm going to give a piece of mind to master Fu."

" There's no master Fu kid." Plagg said floating infront of Adrien.

" Ha?"

" You are standing infront of the new guardian." Plagg pointed Marinette with his small paws. Adrien held an awestruck look on his face.

" When will you stop surprising me?" Whispered Adrien pulling Marinette closer to him.

" I don't know. You didn't just take only me. You took the whole package." Adrien grinned.

" Then would you mind if I steal a kiss from you?" Without another thought, their lips locked.

" Would you mind if I steal a kiss?" Plagg imitated Adrien.

" My wife, when were you planning to tell me about our next generation?"



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