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Then they both realized what they did. They both became tomatoes.(🍅)

"Im really sorry Marinette! I couldnt control myself. Besides i havent even told you how i feel about you." Adrien said under his breathe.

"I-I-tts o-o-kayy Adrien. I hav....nt enen i mean even told mine either." Marinette stuttered.

"I..." Adrien shut his mouth and looked away. They sad in an awkward silence. Nathalie came to take them back home.
"I cant believe Tikki! It happened! My dream came..." A  knock disturbed them. Tikki quickly hid under the bed. And Marinette put on her t- shirt.

"Come in!" Marinette said. Adrien entered.

"Oups! Ill come later!" Adrien turned to go.

"No no. No need to go. Im fully clothed. And besides i was just... nevermind. So,what do you want?" Marinette took a seat on the couch.

"I just needed to say sorry. I feel bad doing what i did yesterday. I didnt even ask for your permission. Im sorry Mari!" Adrien didnt look at Marinette. Marinette went near to him.

"It doesnt matter now. It was just an accident...i think so." Marinette whispered the last part so Adrien wont hear that. But Adrien's cat ears caught the words. A small smile came to him.

"Yeah. Well,how about we play a game to forget that?" Adrien gave his best smile. Marinette stared at Adrien for a while. Then she blushed but gave her best smile too. It was Adrien's time to blush.

"Im in! Mecha strick 3!" Marinette smirked. Adrien grinned.

"Sh*t! I forget i have to tell something to Nathalie. Do whatever you want. Stay here. Dont go anywhere. Got it?" Marinette gave the understood look. Adrien shook his head. Marinette smiled and went out from the room closing the door behind her. Adrien looked around the room. Adriens eyes caught a site of cookies.(i mean there were alot of boxes cookies on the table.)

"What is she doing with those cookies? There may be more than 100 cookies in  those boxes." Adrien asked from Plagg. But Plagg was busy with looking around for cheese. Adrien saw tones of pictures of him on the wall behind the computer which were not visible for normal eyes. Only for cat eyes and detective eyes could see. Then sudden throught made Adriens teasing side come out but before that he had to fing information. So the big mission started.

"Plagg! Help me to find the love letters she got from the boys this year. Im sure she kept them." Adrien looked around and saw a locked locker and a key infront of the computer. He opened the locker. Slowly he and Plagg took the letters out.

"From Nathaniel.. from Nino? I never thought he'll give a letter to Marinette. Then Marc...from Max...from..wait a minute Plagg! This is the poem i wrote to Ladybug. That means.." Plagg disturbed.

"She answered the poem." Plaag quickly hid in Adriens jacket.

"Well, well, i thought Adrien is not a bad boy but right infront of me is the bad side of Adrien. Now tell me why are you peeping to my private stuff?" Marinette saw the folded paper in Adriens hand. She knew what is written in there. Slowly blush spread all around her face.

Thanks. Here you go Adrimarilove2. Others dont be mad with me. Ill dediCATED more chapters for you guys too. Bye!🎉️

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