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4 months later......

" Marinette, you still didn't tell me why you didn't call me or talk to me 4 months ago." Adrien said kneeling down in front of Marinette who was sitting on the couch smiling at Adrien. Marinette chuckled.

" You wouldn't believe me if I say I was in a coma. " Adrien pulled Marinette to him.

" What do you mean my love? " Adrien brushed her hair while Marinette recalled the incident that happened 4 months ago.

" You should have a seat before I tell you Adrien. No. You look tired. You just came home from work after 4 months. I'll make dinner for you." Marinette tried to stand up but Adrien gripped his wife tightly. He inhaled her scent deeply.

" I don't want to. I want to hold you in my arms inhaling your sweet smell of cookies. I miss your sweet gestures and kisses my love. I don't want to let you go. The four months I stayed away from you was hell."Adrien mumbled into Marinette's neck. Marinette giggled in reply.

" Adrien! Oh god! What did you do to my shy Adrien?"Marinette pushed Adrien away softly. Adrien pouted." Go take a bath." Marinette patted Adrien on the head ruffling his hair on purpose." I'll come with dinner. After I have a bath, we can go to sleep." Smiling, Marinette walked away. Adrien watched his wife with a grin.

"Unlike other pregnant ladies I have seen, Marinette is the best. She doesn't complain like Alya and Chloe." Plagg said coming out from Adrien's suit jacket. Adrien chuckled.

"I agree. She was so careful and didn't even complain a single bit while you were gone." Tikki appeared in front of Plagg and Adrien.

"Tikki!" Adrien greeted. Tikki hugged Adrien's cheek giggling.

"Adrien! You have grown stronger and more handsome over the pass four months." Thanking her, Adrien climbed the stairs.

"You should have seen his face when everytime you answered the calls instead of Marinette. His face falls and... He gets really angry. He even tortured himself by staying inside a hotel room doing nothing than waiting for a call from Marinette. I was surprised how he stayed without eating more than a single loaf of bread once a day in a whole month." Plagg went silent. Both kwamies  sighed.

" You know why she couldn't talk to him for the last four months." Plagg nodded.

" So what did you do to break the curse?" Tikki looked at the kitchen door and back at Plagg.

" Marinette will tell you because I actually have no idea."

"you look tired sugarcube. Let's go eat something." Plagg changed the topic pretty quickly. Tikki groaned and flew away from Plagg.

"You and your stomach. Let's go then."

End of chapter 27!thanms for reading!

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