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"Adrien, your friend Marinette Duepain Cheng is coming to live with us. Don't ask her why." Said Nathalie. Adrien hugged her.

"Thank you Nathalie!" Adrienne ran to the guest room and started to clean it alone. In the evening the door bell rang. The main door opened. Adrien quickly ran down to the down floor. He saw the dark blue hair girl. Adrien ran to her and gave a bear hug. M. W, Nathalie was explaining some stuff to Marinette's parents.

"Okay okay Mr. Model. I can't breathe. Thank you." Marinette said patting Adrien's shoulder. In those last years Marinette became more confident around Adrien but haven't tell her secret yet.

"Do you need something to eat or drink? You look tired." Adrien said showing the coach to Marinette.

"No need. A small nap can solve this." Marinette answered.

"Nathalie, take her to her room. I'll bring her bags." Adrien went out.

"Adrien is very happy hearing you're coming to live with us. He cleaned the guest room all alone and he also cleaned the bathroom. Thank you very much me. Marinette Duepain Cheng." Nathalie said smiling.( I know that senti monsters can't show emotions. Just forget about the senti monster part. Think that she is a human being.)

"It's just nothing. Any way, call me Marinette. No need the other names." Marinette said smiling back. Adrien came in to the room with some bags.( gorilla also helped him.)

"Thanks Adrien." Marinette took the bag from Adrien and started to unpack. A sudden statement came to Adrien's mind.' That girl lives in Paris.' Did Plagg mean about Marinette? She is in the same school as me. In the same class as me. Adrien thought.

"I brought this to you." Marinette gave a black colour jacket to Adrien.

"Thanks Mari!" Adrien kissed Marinette's cheek. Marnette went red.

"Nathalie, this is for you." Nathalie had a new costume. Marinette also gave a present to Gorilla.

"It's already dinner time. Do you need anything special for dinner?" Nathalie asked from Marinette.

"No no. I don't need anything special. Whatever you eat, that must be good cause Adrien is a model. Models always eat what is good for their health." Marinette grinned.

When Marnette and Adrien were taking the dinner, the dinning hall was filled with laughs and talks. Nathalie was staring at them all the time. 'They are mean to be together. They remind me of Gabrielle and Emily. Adrien and Marinette are in love. I can see it from their eyes and words.' Nathalie thought.

"Good night Adrienne! Sweet dreams!" Marinette turned to go to her room. Adrien stopped her.

"You brought happiness back to my life." Adrien hugged her tightly and let go.

"That's what friends are for!" Marinette went to bed.

There may be grammar mistakes. There may be spelling mistakes. For give me for them. Hope you enjoyed. Bye.

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