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Dedicated to RandyNatwork65

"Adrien, we are going to be late.Come on or I'll come in." Marinette said tapping her foot impatiently.
"I'm coming." Adrien opened the door. Before he could say something Marinette dragged him out. When Gorilla parked the car in front of the School, Marinette jumped out and ran in. Mr. Damocles was already closing the doors.

"Wait!" Marinette yelled. So Adrien and Marinette dragged theirselves into the school. Marinette tried to calm her breathing.

"what hell did you think hah? You were like in a runaway! Today there's a test goddammit!" Marinette yelled again.

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you next day." Adrien sighed. He will never be able to impress this girl Adrien thought.

"Hey. It is okay. You need to make sure to make it up to you. Now we should go before the next period." Marinette grinned.

"Now now Marinette and Adrien. I believe you two have good reasons to be late?" Ms. Bustier asked with a smile.

"Woke up late. Sorry Ms. Bustier." Adrien gave her puppy eyes.

"Me too. Sme as usual." Marinette replied casually.

"You don't need to tell us Maritrash. You are always late." Chloe smirked. Classmates laughed. Marinette stared at her feet.

"Go to your seats. As I was saying. You have to do a part time job to do. You have to report everything you did, how much you got paid etc. It's project. Adrien is doing business so you only need to give me the result and you too Marinette. Others try to find a job quickly and give me the result. " Alya nudged Marinette.

" Is she talking about you being a model? "

" I don't know. May be being a designer? " Marinette asked herself.

" Girl! Are you not telling me something? "Alya raised her brows.

" Nah. Everything is cool." Marinette gave a wink.

" wait and see. At 12. You'll have the answer."

" Don't be amused. It's just the news. I'm Nadja Chameck.
After Gabrielle Agreste, his son, Adrien Agreste became the Ceo. He choosed a new designer. Who is still a teenage girl. Marinette Duepain Cheng. She was the winner of the burbie hat competition that held on.... "a Adrien glanced at Marinette. Then she glanced back at Adrien and quickly ran to his in the toilets.
Then another notification came to Adrien's phone. It was a robbery alert. (nice name.)Adrien transformed in an alley.
Thankx for reading. Love you all. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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