[R/D]chapter fifty two: anger.

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Toby POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We walk around on the tile floor, River is still looking for Conny, but me...me and Noah are gonna get revenge for what he did with (y/n).

Using the storm, the fear, their injury, all to take advantage of them and kiss them...who knows what he would've done if i didn't walk in, he flinched so hard, what the fuck was he going to do before i walked in that made him stop in his tracks...?!

"Alright, We've lost River...now Noah, i should tell you why i brought you with me to find Conny."
I say, he nods.

"CcCconny l-lost?"
Noah asks, he's getting a lot better at speaking.

"No, but that's what we want...Conny kissed (y/n), he's trying to take advantage of them and that means he's a danger to their safety."
I explain, he looks at me in surprise.

"So Noah...i need you to Kill Conny."
I say.

Noah mumbles.

"Yes, we're going to find him before River and kill him."
I say...i should've guessed, he was too chummy with them since the second we met him.

"Ah, told ya they were comin'!"
River says, i look to my side and see River...and Conny.

"Whats up?"
I ask, i dont think they heard me talking to Noah.

"Theres this weird lake-like thing covering this side of the mall, its pitch black and smells horrible, but on the other side are a bunch of stores!"
Conny explains.

"Did you try to go through?"
I ask.

"Weelll...i saw another person here, i hid and they tried to swim in the lake, but then they started screaming and kicking...then they went down. they didn't come back up."
Conny explains...that sounds like a perfect way to get rid of him.

"Huh...River, how about you go get Oliver? He can help us find a way through."
I say.

"Sure thing cap'n."
River says, picking up their backpack and walking back to the start of the mall.

"Okay...nows our chance, do it and run somewhere nobody can see you at, I'll run to (y/n) and say somethings wrong, and it'll be like none of us were here, okay?"
I whisper, Noah looks nervous, but Conny didnt hear a thing, hes just sitting by the water.

Noah POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kill Conny...i have to Kill Conny, the person who saved (y/n) in the storm...the person who's jokes have gotten us through really bad times....i have to end his life?

I walk over to him, readying my hands to push him into the lake with a horrible rotting stench, Toby's already run to go play innocent with (y/n).

"Hm? Hey Noah! You wanna throw some sticks in the lake and see if they sink?"
Conny asks, he looks so trusting...

"This stuff smells, so don't go too close to it, don't want my favorite dead guy to smell like...well, a dead guy."
Conny says, laughing at his little joke...favorite? You're not making this easier, are you? Oh god...

...im sorry Tobias, but..i-i cant do it, im not someone who can do this...Sam still haunts me, i can't have Conny's death on my conscious too.

"C'mon, we can go find sticks and trash!"
Conny says, grabbing my wrist and walking along somewhere else.

...i hope Tobias doesn't do something once he finds out i didnt go through..

Axel POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"--And then, Alex walked in with soaking wet clothes and a pissy face, then said 'its a little rainy.'"
I say, (y/n) laughs a little..i like their augh.

Toby yells, (y/n) stumbles up, shaking from putting a little weight on their foot.

"The what?? Show me where!"
(Y/n) says, Toby nods and grabs them, helping them get to wherever Conny is...leaving me by myself.

"...huh, guess im alone..."
I mumble.

"Alright, we'll be out in a minute, go sit with whoever the fucks out there."
The asshole 'Oliver' says, my brother Alex comes out and sits down next to me.

"Hey prosto."
Alex says, jesus, not this nickname..

"Stop calling me that man! You know i hate it."
I pout.

"Well i like it, so...too bad, Prosto."
Alex teases.

"Man...being here is really nice.."
I mumble.

"Fuck, are you actually getting friendly with these shitheads?"
Alex asks.

"Well...yeah, they're pretty understanding, and (y/n) is really nice...and pretty."
I mumble.

"Waait...are you falling for that one hospital kid? Dude, they're holding us hostage!"
Alex protests.

"Because you held them at knife point, honestly im surprised we aren't dead, but (y/n) and their group let us live!"
I protest back.

"Fuck man...we havent survived this long by relying on people, we're brothers, all we need is each other! Other people just fuck stuff up."
Alex says.

"..they don't call me names."
I mumble.

"Really? Yes, i call you prosto, because you have a fucking mask on!"
Alex says.

"You know i have to have it!"
I say back.

"No, you dont! You got your face fucked up, but some people barely have faces after problems like these and don't need to wear some creepy blank porcelain mask, you're the one who's choosing to look like a freak, not the scars!"
Alex growls, storming off like usual.

"...fuck off."
I mumble.

Hes always been so mean to me...always teasing me and mocking me for things i cant help, he's the one that acts out of nothing but a first though, That's killed innocent people for nothing except some small food scraps...and he calls me the bad brother, the freak brother...

Hes the one whos ruined so many good things for me...friendship, groups...and if i let him ruin this, he could be ruining...something much better..i dont know what to do anymore, i dont want to spend my entire life with only him...i want other people too...

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