Chapter 10-C's & F's

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Hope and Sammy sat across each other at the dining table. He was teaching her how to play poker for the charity event Zayn's hotel was hosting to benefit several charities for children with serious illnesses. All proceeds won for the night was to be donated to the charity of the winners choosing.

Sammy breaks open a fresh pack of cards he had delivered by Reginald and shuffles them like an expert dealer dividing a certain number of cards between them and setting the rest in the middle. He then places some chips before her cards and gives himself the same amount.

"While we're playing might as well teach you some life lessons along the way. Take mental notes, girl. Now lesson one: almost all good things start with C, the rest start with F."

Sammy rolls the dice. It lands on four.

"Ok what are the good things that start with C?" Hope asked, closely watching him contemplate the cards spread in his hands and the two chips he placed in the center of the table.

"Cupcakes, cake, cookies, Christmas, cocktails, coffee, Camellias, contour, clothes, Christian Grey, Cartier, and last but never least . . .CHANEL. Now, as I've emphasized many times before, Chanel is God's gift to women. Whoever said money can't buy happiness, has never owned anything Chanel. Men come in at a close second. . .sometimes. . ."

Sammy pulls two extra cards from the center of the table. Hope frowns.

"I will never get sick of saying it, a Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel fully stocked in your closet is like holding happiness in the palm of your hand."

"Chanel equals no problems. Got it. So What should I be doing now?" She asked, clueless at the game before her.

"Baby, I said happiness." He clarified. "Martinis are for your problems, the lube you use to slide through life. Men are for pleasure. Remember it's not the size of the hammer, its the force of the nail, if you get my drift." He winks. "You can place the same amount of chips if you feel like your cards aren't strong enough or double the amount."

Hope stared at her cards. She had two kings, an ace and the rest were lower cards. She didn't have a clue what she was doing so she just placed two chips beside Sammy's.

"Now, pay close attention here. . . If you and a guy are not on speaking terms for any reason. . .flowers say I'm sorry, Chanel says I've learned my lesson."

Hope glanced at him. "Does every woman have these standards?"

"Only the ones with class."

Sammy looks at his cards and raises the bet by placing a larger stack of chips in the center of the table. Next, he takes a large gulp of the martini beside him and smacks his lips together groaning in pleasure.

"Now that we've thoroughly gone through lesson one, now for lesson two: Fück, fabulous, Friday, fashion, friends, fun, food, future, fine, fancy, family, forever, Fendi, flowers and fruit. The first seven I listed are my way of life. . ."

"Sammy? Do you have a special someone in your life?" Hope inquired, looking up from her cards.

She didn't know much about his personal life except he was Jasmine and Camelia's best friend. He never spoke of his family or if he had anyone special in his life. All he'd shared since she'd met him was teach her lessons about fashion, material items and how to act and behave like a woman.

"Girl, I'm still on the hunt. These St. James hookers snagged all the goods. I mean who could blame them? I shop to fill the void." Sammys stated with an indifferent shrug. "There's no rest for the wicked and lonely, baby."

"Everything we do in life is in pursuit of happiness." Hope mutters, studying her cards. What were they playing anyway?

"All I know is that everything that shines ain't gonna be gold. That's why I make the most of everything I do in life."

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