Can You Keep a Secret? - Chapter Fifteen

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I anxiously waited for Andrew to tell me what he was nervously holding in.

"Andrew if you don't tell me I'm leaving." I said, starting to walk towards the back porch, when he grabbed my arm. His touch paralyzed me for a moment, until I shook him off and twisted back around.

"Look okay, Mark told me that you just broke up with him, right?" He asked. I wasn't ready to tell anyone about that yet. It was awesome to know that Mark was putting that out publicly now. I felt like such a jerk because I was sure of one thing.

That I still liked him.

"Yeah," I said hesitantly, "I did."

"You know he still likes you, right?" Andrew asked, making it sound like the queen of England would have already known. I let out a huge breath and decided to tell Andrew the truth.

"Look Andrew, the only reason that I broke up with him was because I didn't want to get into a large amount of drama, but now that I realize that he actually felt the same about me, I feel like a Jerk." I said, casually looking down at my feet.

Andrew looked around, making sure that no one was watching.

"You have to tell him that Taylor. He still loves you." Andrew said, keeping his voice extra low on the last sentence. My heart rate sped up so fast that I thought it would never slow down. My palms started sweating and my stomach was in knots.

He loves me, I thought. A million things were running through my mind at that moment, but Andrew ruined my daydream.

"I still need your help asking Emily out!" Andrew whined, looking desperately at me for help. I couldn't help but think of how fun I could make this. I decided to play around a bit with Andrew.

"Well... Emily has said a few things about you recently." I said, in a particularly stealthy tone. This was going to be fun.

"Like what!?" He said, rocking quickly back and forth on his heels.

"Oh I didn't say they were good things." I said, quickly. I tried my hardest not to laugh, and keep a straight face. The color drained from his face and he looked like he was about to curl up in a ball and die.

"Andrew! I'm just kidding!" I said, shakings his shoulders to make sure that there was a little life left in him. I watched the look on his face go from relieved, to confused, to extremely angry.

"I think that you should sing her a song." I said. He looked at me puzzled. I groaned at him.

"Serously, you have an amazing voice Drew." I said, pleading. I remembered when Andrew used to sing to Emily and I when we were on the swings in elementary school. We were all so young, and he probably doesnt remember that now.

"Okay, lets make a deal, I will sing to Emily, if you work things out with Mark." Andrew said. I was hesitant to agree, but gave in when i thought of how much I needed Mark. He was my other half. I don't care how much the other girls teased me about being his girlfriend. I couldn't live without him being my best friend anymore, and I had to fix that


I needed to fix this without anyone else around, so I snuck back in Emily's house through her parents gym. I climbed the stairs and found myself back in the living room where everyone was playing air hockey, or fooseball. I couldn't find Mark, so I decided to see if he was on the dock with anyone else. I ran down the hill and onto the wooden dock. I wiped in front of me in case there were spider webs, (Which there frequently was at Emily's house.) I walked out onto the dock to find Mark sitting alone, on his phone.

I came up, and sat next to him on the cedar bench, next to Emily and Her little brother's waterslide. He turned quickly to me, and I saw that his eye's were red and puffy. I didn't say anything, but just hugged him and quietly whispered, "Im so sorry."

He looked me in the eyes, and shook his head. My heart dropped about 50 feet per second. Im pretty sure that you could feel my heart hit the floor with a "Thud."

"Mark, I only didn't want to be your girlfriend anymore because I was loosing my title as the Tom-boy, and the girl who never needed boys, but when I did, I noticed how huge a part of me you were. You always looked after me like a girlfriend, teased me like a sister, but most of all, you loved me, and i should have respected that." I said, tensing up at the word Love.

"I loved you Taylor, and I still do, but when you told me that, a part of me ripped into a billion pieces." He said. He looked out at the water and wiped his eyes.

"I feel like you took a part of my heart, and never returned it." He said, looking me back in the eyes. Next i did something that i wouldnt have done today, unless Mark and I had had this conversation.

"Let me give it back." i said, grabbing his shoulder and planting his lips onto mine. Something magical happened when we kissed. I felt something grow in my heart. It was a warmth that i hadn't felt in a long time, but now that I had felt it.

I knew that I still loved Mark Larsen.

On Monday at school, we had a soccer meeting, because the tournment was in 5 days.

We all went to seperate tranings for our positions, and everything ( Well most everything,) between Mark and I was fixed. He had asked me out on Sunday, with a cheesy romantic text, that wasn't quite how I imagined it, but it still worked.

I opened my phone after school on Tuesday, to find various messages from my friends.

Alex ; Are you and Mark dating?

Emily ; where are you? We need to talk.

Ava ; Can we go get pizza please ?

Gosh, I wasn't ready to reply to everyone, so I threw my phone down at my bed, and went to take a shower. The whole time I was in the shower, I could hear my phone buzz and ring from my bed. I decided to ignore it until I finally turned off my shower, and heard someone unlatch my window. Fear set inside me, and I quickly put on spandex and a tee shirt from my closet in my bathroom.

When, startled, abruptly opened the door to my room, Mark sat on my bed, playing on his black IPhone. I let out a sign of relief.

I threw a pillow at him, and he sat up in surprise.

"You've got to stop breaking into my room." I said, an he got up from my bed.

He strolled around my room for a while, just looking at stuff.

"What exactly are you doing?" I asked, cautiously peering at the small white box in his hand, with silver lace around it. He stared at me for a while, before throwing me the shiny box. I held it in my hand for a while.

"I'm done here." he said, and with that, he slowly opened my window, and rolled down the ladder, and climbed out.

That was the stangest thing that has ever happened to me. I though to myself. I debated whether to open the box or not. I finally decided that because Mark and I were dating, that he would sabotage me that easily, so I opened it.

Inside was a small necklace that was the shape of a soccer ball, and a heart.
I turned it over, and looked at the engraving, that said,

"Love you more than the game it's self. ~M"

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