Bringing Blonde Back - Chapter Twenty One

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"My mom said that if the tumor doesn't get any bigger, that I can go home when the tournament is done," Alex said, speaking clearly into the phone. I sighed, flopping back onto the hotel room bed, with Mark sitting next to me on his phone.

"Do you think you can-" I started, but Alex cut me off.

"No Taylor, I can't play anytime soon." He replied harshly. I knew that his condition killed him, because next year would be critical for his highschool soccer season. I closed my eyes, trying to figure out if this was real, or just a dream.

"I have to go Taylor, I'll talk to you soon." Alex said, hanging up the phone.

I threw my phone down onto the bed, placing my hands over my face. Mark sighed, laying down next to me, before attempting to braid my hair.

"What are you doing?" I asked, turning my head to face him. He smiled and shushed me, so I turned back around facing the wall grinning.

"Done!" he exclaimed, putting his hands up in excitement over his accpmplishment. I cautiously got up from my spot on the bed, looking in the mirror. I shreiked, and covered my eyes in horror.

"Mark Larsen who taught you how to braid hair?!" I asked, horrifiied by the mess of knots that made up my hair.

"Maisey." Mark said. I groaned, pulling at the knots with my hairbrush. Maisey was Mark's younger sister, who was only seven. I'm surprised she knew how to tie her own shoes, much less braid hair. Mark was rolling across the bed, laughing hysterically. "Shut up Mark! I'll have Tiffinay put makeup on you in your sleep!" I yelled from the bathroom, quieting his laughter.

After about a solid half an hour of me yanking at my hair, I had managed to tie my hair up in a ponytail, and eventually into a messy bun.

"Well I believe that we are both free today until the banquet." Mark said.

I thought for a moment if any of the girls had mentioned hanging out today, but nothing sparked my memory.

"I think I'm free." I said, pushing myself off of the bed and into the kitchen to grab a banana.

"Why don't you let me take you on a surprise trip today, because if I recall, it's a special day..." Mark said, bouncing nervously on his toes.

I racked my brain trying to find out what today was. I unlocked my phone and checked my calendar. I looked at the date.

October 24th.

Shoot! Today was Mark and I's anniversary. I pretended that I already knew, even though I'm pretty sure he could tell I had forgotten.

"I think it is..." I said, calmly pushing my phone into my back pocket.

"Be ready in 20." Mark said, already bonding though the hotel room door.

I shut the door, quickly sending a text to Mark asking what I should wear.

Something you can swim in.

I threw on a floral bikini, wearing a pink and silver crop top with white jean shorts on top. I slid my feet into flip flops, not bothering with my hair, and grabbed my sunglasses and phone. I opened the door to my mom and dads room, telling them where I was going. they agreed, and said to be back here by 5:30 for the banquet at 7:00.

I ran down the stairs, not bothering with the elevator.

Mark was wating in the lobby, in purple and blue swim shorts, and a gray Vans tee shirt, and his blue and pink nike free runs.

"Ready for an adventure?" He asked, leading me out the door. I nodded, walking alongside him on the sidewalk.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked when he veered me to the right behind a small building.

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