One day - Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Taylor chill out, he's only in the ICU under extreme watch," Mark said in a sarcastic tone.

When I got the phone call from Alex's mom, I had gone into a full blown panic attack, so Mark took my phone to answer the rest of the call.

"He has a Metastatic brain tumor, which spread to this lungs, causing him to have breathing problems," Ashley said, looking it up on her phone. I sighed, still shaking from my racked nerves. We were all sitting in the waiting room, waiting for any sign that Alex was okay.

The last news we got was about two hours ago from Alex's mom, saying that they almost had the tumor growth under control, but nothing was official yet. I tried reading a book, and playing a game on my phone with Mark, but anything I did couldn't calm me down.

I groaned, rubbing my forehead with my fingers. I had a migraine headache, something that I got often from stress. Mark and Ashley tried taking my mind off of it, seeing I was the only one that was strongly affected by the situation.

My parents weren't here yet, but Tucker had taken us here after he couldn't deal with my meltdown any longer. I was breathing deeply in and out, staring at the patients walking in and out of the ICU. Some had sad frowns, and some had widespread grins, but no ones face could match my odd look of depression. It's not like crying anymore would help because what happens happens.

Alex's mom emerged from the hospital room with tear stains on her face. I closed my eyes, holding onto the chair for dear life.

"He's stabilized," she said, breathing out with a small smile.

I got up and started jumping up and down with Ashley, until a passing nurse silenced us. Mark looked at me scowling in pure anger, and I looked back clearly puzzled. He motioned for me to walk outside, and I did following him onto a bench.

"Taylor I've had enough," Mark said, looking me in the eye.

"Wait, of what?" I asked, clearly hurt by his spontaneous outburst.

"He is dying! And you still care more about him than me!" he yelled, slightly spitting on my face.

I stood shocked standing motionless. I cared about Alex, but not the same way I cared about Mark. And now he accuses me of not caring at all?

"Mark your being unreasonable!" I said, still heated.

"Whatever Taylor, We're done, goodbye," he said, walking back towards the door.

"Well just so you know Mark, I'm not going to cry over you!" I said, storming off to find somewhere quiet. I went into an alley behind the valet parking, and sat down to figure out what the heck had just happened.

And I just looked up at the sky in silence, no greif, no emotional girl sobbing.

Because I truly was out of tears.


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