Reality Hits - Chapter Eleven

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James, Ava, Ashley, Emily, Mason, Alex and I loaded into Mark's fathers van and drove to the hospital. I was really nervous and shook with fear. It was about 45 degrees outside, and I had only my purple sweater, Blue and purple leggings, and my Tan uggs on. My face was pale, and my cheeks were bright red, matching my nose, and the color of James's scarf. We had blankets in the back of the car, so we all huddled together. The vans heat wasn't working correctly, which was probably the problem in our freezing cold people situation.

When we got to the hospital, Ashley and I busted out of the car, quickly followed by the rest of our friends. The hospital was huge. The wating room was filled with various types of people with who knows what problems.

The lady at the front desk told us that Mark was in room 27. I sprinted with Ashley beside me, and we whipped the door open. There in a bed, laied Mark, sipping something that looked like root beer. I lost all words and became tounge tied when I saw Marks leg in a bright green cast. Tears welled in my eyes, but I wiped them away quickly. Mark held his arms out and I ran over to hug him. He smelled like cologne and fresh snow. We stayed like that until Ashley cleared her throat, and we seperated in awkwardness.

"How are you feeling." Ashley asked Mark. He wasn't quick to reply, so I popped my head outside into the hallway, to see all of my friends lined up aginst the wall.

"You can come in" I said, not knowing why they hesitaited.

One by one they filed in the room, carrying ballons and candy. I have know idea how they would have gotten that. Mark perked up when he saw the bag of skittles Emily was holding.

"Gimme Gimme." He said, extending his arms asking for the bag. Emily gave it to him and he ripped it open.

When he was done stuffing his face with the candy, He explained his injurys to us.

"I have a fractured fibula, and broken thumb, and a minor concussion." he said, holding up the little orange cast that covered his left hand. Someone pulled out a sharpie so we could sign his cast. I wondered when he would be back in soccer, or if he could ever play again. Stop Taylor, you can't think like that. He'll be fine.

"When are you playing soccer again?" Mason asked, rocking back in forth on his tip toes. Mark shrugged and sank into the bed. My heart sunk at the fact that one of our best players, and one of my best friends, wouldn't be playing soccer.

School was misreable from the first day Mark was gone, until the day he came back. The classes were more boring, I was quieter and so was most of our soccer team. Lunch was mostly made up of small talk without Mark's witty comments about the disgusting food, or the horrible lunch service.

Three days passed. Monday ; school soccer sleep. Tuesday ; school soccer sleep. Wednesday ; school soccer sleep.

Thursday was the day Mark was supposed to come back to school. I didn't know what to expect when I walked in to the classroom. Luckily, he wasn't there yet, so I had time to think.

The bell rang, and I lost all hope of him coming. We were in the middle of a lesson about the ancient Egyptians, when the door flew open, revealing Mark and his dad. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of him. He was on crutches, but only a boot on his foot. He hobbled over to the desk beside me, and plopped down, huffing in exhaustion.

"Hey." he said sweeping his blonde hair out of his eyes.

"Hi." I said, suddenly becoming shy. I don't know why I was acting weird. It was like when I had first met him today. Dillion constantly flirted with me, and Mark shot him dirty looks.

At soccer practice, Mark was sidelined. He sat on the bench, playing a game on his phone. I went as hard as I could on Dillion, making him regret his decicion as being goalie. I took a certain shot from the left side, and nailed Dillion in the knee, which resulted in him collapsing and my ball making the goal. Coach frowned at me, and Mark clapped.

I trotted get my ball, and Dillion pulled me close to him by the rim of my shirt.

"Listen cutie, I thought you liked me but I guess you've got feelings for Prince Charming over there." he said gesturing towards Mark, who was speaking to Coach. I was speechless and uncomfortably close to Dillion, whom I despised a lot.

"So if you intend on winning ANY game from now on, you better start kissing up to your goalie." he said. I tried to wriggle out, but Dillion kept a tight grip.

Out of now where, Alex came and ripped Dillion away from me. He whispered something in his ear, and he ran towards the bathrooms. I stared at him in amazement.

"I may be mad at you, but I'm not going to let someone hurt you." Alex said, and them he ran off. I was in shock until coach called us over.

"Ok guys. I know we have had a lot of drama with Brenston, but we have scheduled to play them tomorrow." coach said, looking at everyone one of us. "Now when they come here, I want NO drama at all. At all. Now am I clear?" He practically yelled.

"Yes sir." we all said, walking off to our separate bags. I was very scared to see what would happen between Blake, Paisley and I.

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