Falling for Me? - Chapter Ten

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The next morning, the first thing I woke up to was the image of kissing Mark in my head.

But then I heard his voice.

Wait. His voice?

I threw the covers off of me and raced to my window, grabbing a hairbrush and brushing out my bed head on the way.

"Taylor! Taylor!" Mark yelled, throwing various things at my window. We really had to stop that. I opened the window on bad timing, so that he threw a jellybean right a my forehead. I rubbed my head. I forgot mark had such a good arm.

"What." I said, sitting down rubbing my head again.

"Well first, sorry, and second, we are all going skiing in Connecticut today if you want to come." Mark said.

"Who is we?" I asked not wanting to be akward in the middle of a bunch of boys.

"Well we've invited Emily and Ashley, Ava" he said. "Josh, James, Mason, Alex, and Charlie are also going." He said smiling a idiot smile. I rolled my eyes at him, catching a glimpse of his adorable smirk in the corner of my eye.

"Let me pack!" I said shutting my window and squealing a bit.

I wore a purple turtleneck sweater and purple and blue leggings under my lavender ski jacket and black ski pants. I tied my hair up in a messy bun and grabbed my goggles out of my desk drawer. My fleece socks made me slide while I ran around the house chasing my ski boots and helmet around. We lived in the hamptons, but Conneticut was only a few hours away. Mom and dad were always ok with me going with Mark's family, because the were our neighbors, and they liked Mark just as much as I did.

I Knocked on Marks front door.
Josh and Emily answered it, already in ski gear as well. They welcomed me in to the living room where I sat on the couch next to James and Ava. Mark came up beside me, pushing James aside to pull me into a hug. I rested my head on his shoulder and though of how lucky I was to have such a good best friend. Or was he my boyfriend? I didn't have time to think before Mark's parents called us to load up in the car.

The ride was about two hours long, and it was about 7 o'clock in the morning, because we wanted fresh snow on the slopes. I sat in the backseat with Mark in the middle of me and Ava.
Ashley, Ella and Josh sat in the next row up. In the last row up, sat Alex, Mason, and James. Charlie sat shotgun, obviously being favored by Marks dad because he was our star soccer player.

I was so tired, and fell asleep listening to music with my head rested on Marks shoulder.

"Wake up princess." Mark said, shaking me slightly to wake me up. We were at the slopes, which were slowly filling up with skiers that ranged from professionals to toddlers. I grabbed my bag from the back and raced Mark to the benches.

"I'm going to whoop your ass today." Mark said, smirking his signature smile at me. I smacked his ski out of his hand and into the snow.

"You wish golden boy." I said, getting up to walk away, but Mark grabbed my arm.

"Let's do the black diamond first." he said grinning under his goggles.

The black diamond was the hardest slope, and I had only done it a few times.

"Don't you think we should warm up first?" I asked hopefully.

"Nah it will be fine. Lighten up Tay." he said, grabbing my hand, and together we walked to the ski lift.

We got off the ski lift and met up with James and Ashley, who were also daring enough to race the black diamond. I glanced at Mark, who was slightly shaking, and his eyes were clouded with fear.

"Let's race." James said.

"First one down to the bottom wins and the loser has to by the others hot chocolate." Ashley said smiling, her pink cheeks showing through her baby blue bandanna.

"Let's go then!" Mark said, and we all set off down the slope.

I stayed next to Mark until about halfway down the slope, when things took a turn for the worse. We were almost side by side, I was an inch or two ahead. Mark tried to keep up, but was clearly struggling. The icy winds blew in my face, making it hard to see, but I could see enough to witness the horrible accident. Mark's foot caught of a root of a tree, and he went barreling forward across the snow.

My heart stopped, and I turned around to see Mark unconscious on the ground. I took off my skiis and raced over to his side. He was clutching his right leg and moaned when I rolled him over onto his back.

"Mark are you okay!?" I asked, trying to be calm, but it came out as more of a shriek.

He looked me in the eyes and mouthed word "Help" and then blacked out.

"Help! Help!" I yelled, looking for Ashley and James, who nowhere to be seen. My heart was racing a million times a minute. I couldn't move mark because he was bigger than me.

Finally, I saw one of the ski patrol and yelled or help again. The called 911 and loaded Mark on the back of the snowmobile. I called Marks parents and told them where we were and what happened. They thanked me and Marks mom rode with him in the ambulance to the hospital.

By now I was crying, and not just little tears, a horrible heartbroken sob. James and Ashley tried to comfort me, but it just made me more upset.

"It's all my fault! We should have never race or went on that stupid slope in the first place!" I cried. The rest of my friends, aside James and Ashley, were sitting by the bonfire on their phones. Emily was resting her head in Josh's lap and Ava was siting making jokes with Mason and Alex.

"Taylor this Isint your fault." Ashley said, placing an arm around my shoulder.

"Mark will be fine, he's tough." James said.

"But what if he Isint ?" I whisperd in tears to the two. "What if this is permanent and he can't ever play socc-" I was interrupted by a phone call from Marks mom.

I quicky fumbled for my phone and answered the call.

"Hello." I said.

"Hi Taylor, it's Marks mom. Mark knows your worried about him and would love it you could come see him." she said.

"I would love to, except I don't have a ride home." I said, suddenly worried.

"Oh don't worry sweetie. Michael will take you all to the hospital to see Mark, and your parents already know what happened." she said, relieving a little more of my fear.

"Thank you so much and we will be there as soon as possible mrs-" I was about to say.

"Call me Margret." she said.

"Well thank you Margret." I said, and ended the call.

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