My Knight in Shining Armour - Chapter Seven

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I stood dumbfounded, within inches of Marks ex-girlfriend, and her new boyfriend. I wanted to cover my head in fear that he would bash it again.

"Look what we have here Pais, Isn't this the girl I hit in the head for you?" He said, staring me down. I couldn't make a run for it because I was afraid of what he would do to me next. Paisley had a deadly look on her face. I almost laughed at the 13 year old language.

"Let's take them to area seven." Blake said. I was scared out of my mind, but I tried to play it cool. Area seven, really?

Ashley was shaking beside me. Blake grabbed my arms and Paisley grabbed Ashley's. As much and I struggled, Blake was amazingly strong and I couldn't release his grasp.

They took us down to the end of the block. There, by the creek, sat a little old shed that was sprayed with graffiti.
They threw us in the shed and locked the door, but not before tying our hands and feet together with duct tape.

"I'll let you go when I get my Markie-poo back!" Paisley yelled from outside the shed. It was filled with old tools, a few soccer balls and basketballs, and a small basketball hoop. I looked over at Ashley who pointed to our phones, which were sitting on a old white stool about 10 feet away from us. We had to be careful because the shed could move if we did, and then Blake, who was gaurding outside, would know something was up. Markie Poo. The name itself almost made me throw up in my mouth.

Ashley was smaller, so she cut her hands out of the tape with a nearby shovel and scooted over to the stool. They clearly weren't thinking when they trapped us in a closet with gardening tools.

She threw me my phone and scooted back successfully without disturbing Blake. She cut my hands and feet free and we started texting everyone who was in the treehouse where to go.

Me ; Paisley and Blake locked in a shed at the end of the block! Right behind the coopers house, Come save us ASAP.

Alex; Oh my god I'm going to kill that boy. When I get my hands on him...

Mason; Chill Alex we'll get her back.

Mark ; I'm so sorry Taylor! This is my fault.

Me; it's okay, just be careful. Paisley is out to get Mark back, and Blake is guarding the shed.

It was about 15 more minutes until I heard the fight breaking out outside the shed. Ashley and I immediatley stood up and peered out the window. Alex and Mark were screaming at Blake, while Emily, James, and Mason were having their own argument.
Except Alex and Mark were seriously going ballistic.

"If you hurt her, if you hurt EITHER of them, I will personally call the police and my parents, who both happen to be excellent lawyers," Alex shouted in Blake's face.

"Cool it pretty boy, there just a little tied up. That's all," Blake said.
Mark was about 2 inches taller, and much stronger than Blake, but Alex on the other hand, was a few inched shorter and much thinner, but still taller and bigger than I was.

"I have my phone right here if you don't LET THEM GO!" Mark shouted at Blake. Blake looked feared for a moment, but regained his confidence.

"Only if Mark agrees to get back together with me,"Paisley said, making my heart stop beating in fear for a moment. Mark stepped up in Paisley's face and finally snapped.

"Never," He said in a tone, that even scared me.

"Ah golden boy and pretty boy, you two never had a chance with Taylor. When were done with her, she will love me. Only me," Blake said. I looked over at Ashley and almost started laughing.

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