Finals - Chapter Twenty Two

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I walked into the ballroom, which was serving as the banquet hall for tonight. Emily was on my right, dressed in mint green with silver sandals to match the sequins on her dress, and the headband in her hair. Ashley was on my left, in the white and gold dress that she was gaping over at the mall, with her hair straightened and in gold flats. Ava was on Ashley's left, in the gorgeous navy dress and her silver flats, her short brown hair straightened.

And then me. I was wearing the purple sequin dress that Emily picked out, with silver sandals, and my hair was straightened to perfection, and I wore a silver flower clip in my hair, holding back my bangs.

The ballroom was lit up, but not to crazy, seeing that there were younger kids here. There was a dance floor for the obvious reasons, this being it was a ballroom.

We all sat around a table covered in gold glitter and decorative soccer balls.

Most of the boys weren't here yet, so the girls just waited around, talking with some of the parents and playing with the siblings.

I was just about to check my phone to inform Mark that he was already far past fashionably late, when Ava pulled all of the girls aside. Her face was sad, and she couldn't make eye contact with any of us.

"I have to tell you guys something," Ava said, frowning towards the ground. We all remained silent for her to continue.

"My mom got a phone call yesterday, and they said that basing off my results from my last swim meet, I qualified for the junior Olympics." She said, tears dripping from her eyes.

We all hugged her, sharing looks of confusion with each other.

"Why are you sad then?" Ashley asked, clearly just as confused as the rest of us.

"Because I have to quit soccer," She said.

We all stood in silence, not sure what to do because Ava was one of the best strikers. My face remained impassive, not letting any of the girls know how everything was slowly disappearing from me. Alex was deadly sick, and now Ava was going to leave too. I just told her how that was a great opportunity, staying as numb as possible, not letting any feelings seep through my cover.

"Well lets just try and enjoy the party," Emily said, trying to break the silence the was shared among the four of us. We all shared hugs with Ava, and went back to the dance floor.

That's when I saw Mark. His blonde hair was slicked back with gel, and he was wearing a gray dress shirt and black dress pants. His bow-tie matched my dress; Emily must have snitched to him about it.

We made eye contact, and my world slowed. I stared into his bright blue eyes, and my gaze never left him. He looked, at loss for better words, amazing.

He slowly approached me, and all of my teams eyes seemed glued on the both of us.

"You look beautiful," he said, hooking his arm with mine.

"The same goes for you," I said, with a slight giggle.

"Let's dance then!" he said excitedly, dragging me onto the dance floor.


The night went by fast, the team was given awards for our separate positions, and Coach Dublin even saved the MVP award for Alex.

As I walked outside into the hallway, on the way to my hotel room, my phone buzzed in my hand. I flipped it over to see an incoming call from Andrew.

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