Finally. - Chapter Thirty Two

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The two girls, Carson and I all loaded into my dads car to drive home from the ice rink, and silence settled throughout the car. Ashley tried talking to me, but Emily knew better. I sat in the front seat, flipping my phone over in my hands as if I was waiting to receive a text message saying,

"I'm sorry Taylor, I regret breaking up with you. Will you be my girlfriend again?"

But there's this thing called reality, and it would never let that happen. Because that would be to easy, right?

We pulled into our driveway, and I bolted out of the car, not sure where I was going to go inside of my house, but I just kind of sprinted aimlessly across the house until I found myself in Tiffinay's closet.

Two words for you ; Don't. Ask.

Surrounded by all of the pink and sparkly clothing, I reminded myself of how I was before I had feelings for Mark, and even Dillion. I had been the careless little girl who thought boys were disgusting.

So kind of like Ashley.

Focus Taylor, I reminded myself.

I had never let anyone affect me so much. Mark just had that effect on me, why? I had no idea. It's like I acted perfectly normal until Mark showed up, then I went into what I called Paisley mode. It messed with my head during soccer, and just in life in general.

Someone needs to get their life together, My conscious spoke. Wow my conscious was rude.

Suddenly, Tiffinay opened her closet door and gasped.

"Taylor, get OUT of my closet!" she yelled, dragging me by the hair out and slamming the door behind me. I huffed, and crawled my way down the stairs into my room, where I found a note on my bed.

Open your curtains. It read. I rolled my eyes, knowing Mark would have some way to upset me all over again. I walked calmly over to the window, and pulled back the curtains to see a sign that read, "Friends"

I simply threw a rock at his room, knocking down the sign, and slammed my window shut.

"If it was only that simple," I muttered under my breath as went into my closet to change clothes and take a much needed nap.


"Taylor, can I paint your nails?" Tiffinay asked, coming into my bedroom carrying her nail case and a pair of gloves.

"Huh?" I asked, looking up from the book I was reading, sitting in my purple saucer chair.

"Nails, paint?" Tiffinay said, motioning towards the case.

I rolled my eyes, closing my book and going to get a paper towel from my bathroom. She started to work, setting out all of her colors on the floor of my room.

I sat down and put my headphones on while she set to work filing my nails. I started to read a book on my phone, and Tiffinay tapped my knee. I pulled off one side of my headphones, and nodded signaling that I was listening.

"Why do you keep your nails so short?" she asked curiously. I pressed my lips together, debating telling her the real reason. "Superstition I guess?" I said, trying to downplay the situation.

"What superstition?" she asked, "I'll tell you later," I said, and she groaned, getting back to painting my nails.

After sitting for about an hour, Tiffiany pulled me by the hair into my bathroom.

"Woah, what are you doing?" I asked, as she sat me on a stool.

"I'm curling your hair," she said in a duh tone.

And so I sat...for another hour.

"Done!" she said, turning me around to face myself in the mirror. I smiled slightly, but on the inside I was beaming. My slightly red hair fell in loose curls around my face, and she had sprayed light glitter around the top.

"Now get dressed in something casual, but cute!" she said, gathering all of her supplies and hurrying out of my room. Wait what? I stood confused, and wandered into my closet, obeying Tiffinay's commands.

I took off my glasses and put them on my nightstand and grabbed a teal floral strapless dress that was tight at the top, but ruffly at the bottom, which I paired with a pink jacket and a tan belt. I put on my brown sandals and put on a little mascara and foundation, checking my appearance in the mirror before hurrying out of my room.

When I walked down the stairs, my heart practically stopped in my chest.

Before me stood Alex with a teal polo shirt on, khaki pants, and sperry's. His hair was slicked back and his bangs formed a wave across his forehead. He was holding pink roses and had an innocent smirk plastered across his face. I clasped my hands over my mouth, and ran towards him with tears in my eyes. I wrapped my arms around him, and he did the same.

"What's happening?" I said, trying so hard not to cry tears of joy.

"Well, my tumor was reducing significantly, and they said that the chemo had been working, so Tiffinay called me after over hearing my mom's conversation with yours, and set this all up," he said, motioning to the dinner for two on our back porch. Light snow was falling and a candle shed the slightest amount of light on the table.

I wiped my eyes and turned to my sister.

"You did this?" I asked her, and she grinned.

"I was tired of seeing you sad over Mark, so I thought that Alex was my next best choice," she replied, still smiling.

I reached forward and hugged her. She seemed surprised at first, but hugged me back.

"Thank you," I whispered, and I could feel her nod.

"Shall we?" Alex asked, taking my hand smiling.

I couldn't help but grin back. "We shall,"


"So he cheated on you... Again!?" Alex asked. I laughed nodding and he face palmed, but he couldn't help but laugh. Tiffinay and for some reason Maisey had prepared a very nice meal of Chicken tenders, apple slices, and coke. I'm not sure Maisey understood what was going on, but she was quite eager to help.

"I'm going to kill that boy one day," he mumbled, and I looked away blushing.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a moment, before I spoke up.

"I missed you," I blurted out quickly, shutting my mouth immediately after I finished.

"I missed you too Tater-tot," Alex said, and I thought I could see him blushing.

Suddenly, his face took on a look of panic, and I turned around to see him staring at a very shocked Mark. My heart sped up in my chest as Mark quickly walked in rage towards Alex, and his arm wound up to hit him, but I stepped in between.

"STOP!" I shouted, feeling as if I was in a action movie and someone was about to be shot.

Both boys' heads turned, facing me. Alex's mouth was slightly open, and Mark's face was heated.

"Mark, go home. You chose Paisley," I said calmly, grabbing Alex's hand and intertwining our fingers as I led him into our foyer. I looked back to see Mark storming off of my porch, and I smiled slightly. Finally, he got what he deserved.


The picture above is one of the new covers I made for this book :) hope you like it!!

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