Snow Day - Chapter Thirty

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"Taylor there's snow!" Tiffinay yelled from downstairs in the foyer. I rolled over to the right side of my bed and looked down at Ashley who was putting her hair into a high ponytail. "Is there actually snow?" I asked her before I got up for nothing. She nodded and got up from my trundle bed. I hopped out of my bed and opened the curtain of my window to look at the falling snow, but found myself face to face with Mark.

I stopped in my tracks, startled. He frowned and closed his curtain. I turned away hurt by his act, and went to change into warmer clothes for the snow.

"Can I borrow gloves and a hat?" Ashley asked, rummaging through her limited snow gear that she brought. I nodded and threw her a pink and blue pair of gloves my grandma had given me a while back. "Pink, really?" she asked in an exasperated tone of voice. I groaned and threw her a blue and black pair. "Thank you very much," she replied and slipped them on her hands.

I put on a blue and purple striped turtleneck sweater and jeans, and laced up my snow boots, and Ashley changed into her clothes as well.

We walked down the stairs and into the front yard and saw Tiffinay and Maisey building a baby snowman in the middle of the driveway. Tiffinay was wearing a pink sweater with a penguin on it, black sparkly leggings, her brown and pink snow boots, and my mom had done her hair in a perfect braided bun.

"So much pink..." Ashley said, fake-gagging. I elbowed her in the side, and she hopped away into the snow. I made a snowball and threw it lightly at Tiffinay's perfect hair-do. She turned around slowly with a death glare on her face.

"MY HAIR!" she screamed, chasing me around the snow. I rounded a corner, and she slipped, falling flat on her face. I stopped, and went to help her up but Mark was already there. He had a navy and blue striped polo shirt on and black sweatpants with black snowboots. He had gotten a hair cut which made his light hair look much darker than usual.

He ran right back inside into his house, and I shook my head and went to go find Ashley. She wasn't in the back yard or the living room, so I went to check in the woods. I opened the sliding glass door to the porch to see Mark holding a sugar cookie that looked like a slightly melted heart, that had "I'm sorry" written across it.

I bit back a smile and a laugh as I wrapped my arms around him. He smelled like cinnimon and colonge. Weird, but it smelled good. I pulled back and looked him in the eye, trying not to laugh.

"What?" he said, tilting his head sideways.

"The heart?" I asked, biting my lip.

"Maisey helped me make it," he said proudly smiling.

I turned around to go back inside when I saw Ashley and Tiffinay standing on the porch.

"Ah the cookie card... works everytime," she said shaking her head. Her and Tiffinay went back inside, and Mark grabbed my hand.

"Call of duty?" he asked.

"You ready to get your butt kicked?" I asked him smirking.

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