Nightmares and Daydreams - Chapter Five

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Please tell me I'm in a dream.

I'm hoping this isn't real.

The couple practically pulled us from our chairs to dance. My teammates were going mad with laughter.

I was trying to tune out the lady who was fussing over Mark and I's height.
I wasn't really that tall, I think I was 5'3, and Mark was 5'6.

We weren't ridiculously tall, but I was the tallest girl in my class. The woman was placing us in the most akward positions possible, just to get a kick out of it.

My heart stopped when she pushed Mark about 2 inches from me with no body space, or room to breathe. She frantically moved us back and said.
"Go at it kids!"

The old man who was the DJ started playing some random classical music and Mark guided me across the floor.
I don't know how we did it, but by the end of the dance, we were the ones everyone was watching to see what to do. I smiled at him when the dance was over, and stared into his blue eyes. He had tiny smile lines that came out from the corner of his eyes, and deep dimples like I do.

Surprisingly, my whole team clapped for Mark and I, and we bowed and sat down. Alex glanced over at me and smiled.
"That was amazing." he mouthed, and I grinned ear to ear back at him.

We got back home and we all went to the media room to watch a movie before the girls went to bed. We all changed into pajamas and brought blankets to the Media room, where we found the boys in Carson's clothes. I threw everyone blankets and started to make popcorn, when Alex pulled me aside.

"Okay, obviously you like Mark," he said.

"I do not," I said, and tried to make my way to the popcorn, but Alex pulled my arm. I tried to struggle free, but he pulled me back again.

"Taylor Josephine I know you. I'm not stopping you from doing anything, but I don't think it's a good idea to date someone on the team. Remember when we were seven and we liked each other? We couldn't score, we couldn't pass to each other, heck we couldn't even look at each other!" He said practically yelling.

"I thought you supported me! You said whenever we needed each other we would be there! But I guess things have changed." I yelled staring into his eyes. We were inches apart now, and I could feel the heat from his body.

He looked genuinely sorry, and was staring down at his feet.

"Look Alex. I'm sorry. I don't like him and I'm not ready to date him. I hope your happy now," I said, leaving him to rescue my almost burning popcorn.

I felt so bad about what I said to Alex, the whole time we watched Divergent, I just buried my head in my blanket and tried to forget about it.

Eventually, I felt one of the boys come and shake me awake and lead me and towards my bed.

I woke up the next morning to the sun shining bright into my room. Ashley and I were the only girls left in the room, so I decided to wake her up.

"Ashley, Get up!" I yelled throwing a pillow at her head.

"Ow..." she said rubbing the back of her head. Even though it was cool yesterday, this morning I woke up and it was 57 degrees outside. I slipped sweats over my spandex that I slept in and tied my hair in a side braid, wating for Ashley. She grabbed a sweatshirt and we headed downstairs.

I walked in to the kitchen to see the girls, and all of the boys chatting away, except Alex. I walked over to Mark and asked him.

"Where's Alex." I whispered in his ear. He pointed towards the exit of the kitchen and I thanked him and ran to the living room, where Alex lay on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

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