Even Boys Cry - Chapter Eighteen

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"You scared the crap out of me Mark!" I yelled, turning around, lightly smacking his cheek. He laughed, and I splashed water at him, which didn't do much harm, because he was already soking wet from the pool. He scowled at me, and pursed his lips.

"Stoop!" I whined at him, for mimicking my facial expressions.

"Stooop!" He repeted, in a higher pitched voice, whining exactly how I did.

I pushed him backwards, sending him falling backwards into the pool. He wiped the water from his eyes, and emerged from the water to chase me. I squealed and ran through the crowds of tourisists and lifeguards, that were currently very amused with a swimming race between two teenagers, one being Ava.

Out of breath, I found Alex, who I hid behind and I doubled over, panting in the shallow water with my hands clamped onto my knees. Alex looked around to see why I was sitting behind him, much less running.

"Marks chasing me." I said, chucking nervously.

"You two are literally so adorable." Alex said, moving out of the way, revealing me to Mark just as he was passing. I shrieked as Mark lifted me up laughing hysterically. He wasn't that much taller than me, but stil was strong enough to lift me out of the water.

"What do you want?" I whined pinching his hand, making him release his grip.

"I wanted to ask you to dinner." Mark said, smiling at me in a goofy way.

I thought for a moment. I blatently hoped that our team would have other plans for the night, so I excepted.

"7:30!" Mark yelled, running to his room to get changed.

I dragged Emily along with me, to help me pick out an outfit. She curled my hair, tying it in a side ponytail. I decided on Jean shorts, a flowy pink and blue halter top, and a blue and silver braided headband. Emily brushed mascara on my eyelashes, despit my denies against it, and pink lipstick that took some of the color away from my pink cheeks.

"Mark is going to flip-." Emily said, pausing mid sentence, at the sounds of the sirens that were coming from downstairs.


The two of us raced downstairs, to find Mark and Alex. They stood in the midst of smoke and the faint smell of hairspray. I ran to Mark and wrapped my arms around his neck, but he immediately jerked back, clutching his knee.

"What happened?" I asked, gesturing to the boys.

"These people below our building were getting ready for who knows what, and one of the forgot to turn their flat iron off, so it started a fire in the bathroon, which spread to our room. We tried to make it out, but I twisted my knee, and Alex fell on his shoulder." Mark said, pointing at Alex's shoulder that was a shade of black and blue.

"So no dinner?" I asked. Mark frowned and shook his head. My heart sunk a bit, feeling like led.

"Do you want to watch a movie in my room?" Mark asked, his face brightening. I nodded.

"Well, I think that's our que." Alex said, grabbing Emily's wrist an pulling her towards the snack bar. Emily gave me a thumbs up, and I helped Mark to the elevator. We stood in silence, until Mark spoke.

"You look really pretty." He said, looking at his feet.

"Thank you." I said, not knowing how to get out of that akward situation. Mark was truly handsome, and I never said it out loud, but he was truly the most amazing boy I had encountered.

"What movie are we watching?" I asked, flipping into the couch that sat in the living room.

"Ladies pick." Mark said, rummaging around the kitchen to find some popcorn for our "Movie date." 

I thought for a moment about what could irritate Mark the most. I didn't really know his taste in movie's, so I winged it. 

"Divergent?" I asked, rolling over to face him. 

"Ew, no." He said, shutting the microwave and setting the time. 

"The Hunger Games?" 

"Already seen it, WAY to many times. 

I was starting to run out of suggestions, and I mentally scrolled through my favorites list at home. I took a risk with my next guess,  but i would make him watch it if I had too. 

"The fault in our stars?" I exclaimed. He paused and shrugged his shoulders. 

"Never seen it, lets do it." He said, removing the popcorn and bringing it over to the couch, where he sat next to me, and I grabbed the remote. "Your going to cry." I said confidently as I selected the movie from the list. "I probably will." he said, grabbing a handful of popcorn and stuffing it in his mouth. Boys could be pigs sometimes. 

We started the movie, and we got to the scene where Agustus told Hazel that his cancer had returned, and thats when I started. I sniffled a bit, and I tried not to let Mark notice, but he ultimatley did, and put a protective arm around me and wiped my eyes. 

From there it was downhill. 

The scene where Hazel was called speak at Agustus' pre-funeral, is where I saw a small tear escaped from Marks eye. 

"Told you so." I said, close to actually crying now. 

"The movies' not over Tay, im done now." He said, staring back at the screen. 


By the time Hazel went to the gas station to retrive Gus, and at his funeral, I was full out crying, tears streaming down my face, and Mark was biting his lip, clenching my hand. The movie reached the credits, and I clicked the TV off, leaving us sniffling in silence. 

"I can not belive I just cried during a romance movie." Mark said, pouting at me. I wiped my eyes and laughed again. "Sorry," I said, placing my head on his chest. 

The smoky black sky glittered with stars, as car horns beeped, and the smell of BBQ seeped through the window, making my stomach grumbled. I tilted my head back, to see Mark's blue eyes shining down on me. 

"I'm so glad your in my life Taylor." He said, with a slight smile. 

I twisted my lips. "Why?" I asked, frowning at him. He thought for a moment before responding. 

"Because, I can tell you everything, and your always there for me when I need you." He said, twisting my hair around his finger. 

"And your perfect." he said, before I could say anything. 

"I am not." I said, without thinking, propping myself up, and leaning my head on Marks shoulder. 

"Yes you are, and don't say anything else because if anyone denies it, they're blind or stupid." He said, cradling my head. He know how sensitive i was when it came to this subject. 

"I know," I siged and closed my eyes. 

A few minuted later, Mark gently shook my shoulder, awaking me. 

"Time to go home princess Taylor, we have a big game tomorrow aginst you know who." He said, helping me up. He walked me to my room, and i gave him a peck on the cheek, as his mom called him. 

I flopped down on my bed smiling, until i remembered who we were playing tomorrow. 


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