Regina tries helping Robin Unfreeze Marian

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Robin walked into Regina's office. He startled Regina, who worked busily at her desk. She put down her reading glasses. "Robin? You look terrible."

Heavy bags underlined Robin's eyes. He squinted when he walked inside and put his hand on his head. "I haven't been sleeping well," He explained.

Regina quickly got him a chair and put her hand on his forehead. Then, she opened her desk drawer, took two Tylenol pills, and magically conjured a glass of water.

"Thank you," Robin told her. "Marian's getting worse. I'm not sure what to do."

Regina placed her hand on his shoulder. "Let me see if I can help." They teleported to Robin's camp.

"Regeena!" Roland yelled happily. He hugged her around the middle.

She ran her hand through his curly black hair. "Hello, Roland. It's so good to see you."

"Are—Achoo! you—Achoo! go—Achoo! Going to help my mom?"

"I am." Regina walked over to Marian, who lied motionless and freezing. "The spell has almost reached her heart. She doesn't have much time."

"What can we do?" Robin asked.

"Well, there is one thing that can cure most any curse," Regina explained.

"What's that?" Robin asked.

Roland sneezed again before answering, "True love's kiss!"

Robin stepped toward Marian, brushed her hair away from her face, and kissed his wife fervently on the lips.

Marian still lied unconscious.

Regina studied the woman's body carefully. "There might be a barrier of some kind counteracting true love's kiss." She looked at Robin. "I can remove her heart. She'll die if it stays in her body."

Robin looked at her desperately with tears in his eyes. "Anything to save her."

Regina removed Marian's heart and magically summoned a box for keeping it. "I'll keep it safe. Now," She walked over to Roland and picked him up in her arms. "You two are a mess. How long have you both been sick?"

"Since yesterday," Robin replied. "It's just a cold, nothing serious.

Nevertheless, Regina insisted on bringing them medicine. She tucked in Roland for a nap and read him a story before he fell asleep.

Before Regina left the camp, Robin stopped her. "Wait, Regina." He followed her outside. "Thank you for everything."

"Of course. I'm always here for a friend. Marian's heart is still beating, which means she's still alive. I will work on finding a cure for your wife."

"There's something I should tell you."


"I know why the curse didn't work. There's no magical barrier. I don't love Marian anymore," He held Regina's hand, "Because I still have feelings for you."


"—I haven't felt the same way about Marian since she got back. Roland was so young back home and hardly remembered her. You saw the way his face lit up when he saw you. He's never that way with Marian."


"You said it yourself, Regina. Our lives have been a complete mess since Marian got sick, and you stepped right in and helped. It's like you belong in this family instead of her."

"Robin, you're not thinking clearly. You haven't slept, and you have a cold."

He hugged her. "I'm so sorry for what I said before. I deeply regret the way I acted toward you."

"I don't." Regina broke free from Robin's embrace. "You were right. We can't be together when I have feelings for Emma."

"She's a woman, Regina. A woman can't be satisfied by another woman. She needs a man. Emma can't give you what you want. Henry's almost grown up, but Roland is still very young. A woman can't give you a family, but I can."

Regina scoffed. Robin went too far. Her eyes glared fiery daggers at him. She didn't shout, but her words pierced with sharp anger, "Robin, I am going to keep your wife's heart safe until we find a cure. She will get better. If you want to divorce her then, that's up to you, but I am never coming back to you." Grabbing his collar, she growled, "Get this one thing clear, I am in love with Emma Swan, and I want to marry her."

Regina disappeared along with Marian's heart in a puff of purple smoke.

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