The Wishing Star

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Emma drove Elsa in her yellow Volkswagen beetle, following the beam of yellow light emitting from the necklace in Elsa's hand. "We're coming, Anna," Elsa stated. "We'll find you."

I sure hope she's right, Emma thought to herself. I'm beginning to doubt her sister's even still alive. The light led them to the beach. Both women looked around but found no sign of Anna.

"Anna!" Elsa called. "Anna!"

Not wanting to disappoint Elsa, Emma suggested, "Why don't we try walking further down?" The two women walked together in the sand. The sheriff glanced at Elsa's left forearm. "Nice tat!"

Elsa blushed. "Thanks."

"It suits you. I really admire your boldness to come out like that. You are much more confident now than when I met you, and your magic has improved as a result."

Elsa smiled. "Ruby's been helping me a lot."

"I think you two are great together." They searched the other end of the beach but came up empty. "Listen Elsa, magic is not always accurate. You need to accept that Anna may no longer even be alive."

Elsa wept. "No! That can't be true." Emma hugged her as Elsa cried in her arms. "I wish I could know what happened to my sister and that I could see her again. There's so much I want to tell her. I never want to put her in danger again."

Suddenly, Anna's necklace began to glow. Emma stared at it, amazed. "Elsa, the necklace is the Wishing Star!" A water-filled trunk appeared, bobbing up and down in the ocean. It drifted to shore and Emma and Elsa quickly ran to open the chest. Anna and Kristoff emerged.

"Elsa!" Anna screamed. "How did you find us? Where are we?"

Her sister didn't answer any of those questions. With tear-filled eyes, Elsa embraced Anna tightly.

Emma cleared her throat. "Not to cut this reunion short, but we need the counterspell, stat."

"Right!" Exclaimed Elsa. "Anna, there's going to be a curse in town, and we need a strand of your hair to perform the counterspell."

Anna looked at her funny. "My hair? Wait— OW!"

Elsa plucked a hair from her sister's head. "Let's go."

Emma drove the gang to Granny's but found the restaurant empty. "What's happened?" Asked Emma.

"Where's Ruby?" Asked Elsa.

"Let's go to the station," the sheriff suggested.

Inside Emma's office, they found the Charmings and baby Neal. "Something's happened to the fairies," Emma explained. "They're all gone."

Snow looked at her husband worriedly. She took the keys to the jail cells and handed them to her daughter. "Lock your father and me in separate cells. We don't want to hurt each other or anyone else when the Snow Queen's curse takes effect."

Reluctantly, Emma locked her parents in separate cells and took her baby brother to protect him. Charming and Snow stared affectionately at one another and held each other's hand between the bars. At that moment, Regina entered the office. Emma glanced at her affectionately. "Love."


"Where's our son?"

"I locked him in my office. He'll be safe there. I had to see you one last time." Tearfully, the two lovers kissed goodbye. Then, Regina ran from the station.

Anna's jaw dropped at the sight of the romantic exchange, but she didn't make a comment.

Suddenly, thunderroared, and a thick indigo cloud appeared over the town. Mirror shards rainedfrom the sky. Snow's and Charming's eyes frosted over and left lightning-shapedcracks. They unclasped their hands and glowered at each other menacingly. 

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