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Later that afternoon, Regina walked into the Sheriff's office. "Emma?"

"What is it, Regina?" Her girlfriend asked.

"I tracked down Rumpel. He knows how to summon a portal. There's a mansion far off into the forest. It belonged to the Sorcerer's Apprentice. With his enchanting broom, we can create a portal to bring Elsa and company back home."

"That's terrific news!"

Regina gave Emma directions to the mansion before leaving the station to steal the broom from Rumpel. Emma rounded up Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff. Her car pulled in front of the mansion, and they all walked through the door.

Elsa looked at Emma. "I can't thank you enough for all you've done. You helped me find myself and control my magic."

"Don't mention it." Emma hugged Elsa. "I'm gonna miss you."

A few minutes later, Regina's car pulled in front of the house with Ruby in the passenger seat. "Elsa!" Ruby ran to her girlfriend, and they embraced. "I had to say goodbye," Ruby managed to say through tearful sobbing. "I wish you could stay."

Elsa wiped away her tears. "You know I can't. I'm queen. My sister and I belong in Arendelle." She comforted her girlfriend, who kept crying. "Ruby?"

She sniffed and looked at Elsa.

"Come with me?"

Ruby wiped her nose with her sleeve. "What?"

"Come with me to Arendelle. We have plenty of room in the palace for one more. You could stay with us and live like royalty."

Ruby shook her head. "Elsa, my life is in Storybrooke. My friends. The diner. I can't leave my granny. She wouldn't understand if I left with you."

"I'm sure she'd understand if you talked with her."

"No, she wouldn't."

"What if you asked her to come with us, too?"

"No!" Ruby shouted. "It's just not gonna work, okay?"

Elsa didn't need to ask her. She knew by Ruby's tone that she never told her grandmother about her relationship with Elsa. The blonde kissed the brunette on the lips one last time. "I'll never forget you."

Regina activated the portal with the enchanting broom. Then she stood with Emma in the back of the room while Elsa and Ruby finished their goodbyes.

Emma watched Ruby and Elsa embrace. "Ruby's not going back with her, is she?"

"That's how it appears," Regina replied.

"I guess that's what Ruby wants."

"I guess so."

"We did something really good, Regina. We helped two people find love."

Regina nodded. Tears formed in her eyes.

"I'm proud of them for being open about their sexuality. I'm going to miss them."

"Me too." Regina dried her eyes.

"Portals are hard to come by."

"They are, indeed."

"They may never see each other again. It really makes you think how important it is to spend time with the one you love." She held Regina's hand as they watched Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff enter the portal. The gateway vanished, leaving nothing but the sorcerer's broom.

Regina glanced at Ruby, who looked sorrow-filled and teary-eyed. "Ruby, are you alright? Would you like to get drinks with us at the Rabbit Hole?"

Ruby shook her head. "No, I'm fine. I'd rather just go home."

"I'll give you a ride," Emma offered. She and Ruby walked to her car. "You know," Emma told her as she drove back to town, "You were very lucky to have known such a special girl as Elsa."

Ruby managed to weakly smile at Emma. "I sure was."


If you liked this story, read Moving On which takes place after this one. 

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