A Charming Confrontation

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Late the next morning, Emma arrived at her parents' apartment, unannounced.

"Emma!" Snow exclaimed as she opened the door. "What a surprise!" She let Emma inside the flat.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Emma stated.

"No, not at all. You're always welcome to visit."

Charming walked downstairs. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine, Dad. I just wanted to talk."

"Would you like cocoa?" Asked Snow.


"Your dad made scones, too."

"Sounds great!" Emma sipped her cocoa and ate a blueberry scone. "I'm sorry about the other night."

"We're sorry, too." Snow sat down on the couch next to her daughter. "Your father and I want you to know that we'll always love you."

Emma nodded. "I love you, too. You're my parents, and I want us all to be a happy family."

"You'll always be our little girl, Ems."

"But I'm not a little girl, Mom. I'm thirty-four years old. You need to treat me like an adult." She took a deep breath, "From now on, I won't be spending the night here anymore. My permanent residence will be at Regina's."

Charming spoke. "If that's what you want. Know that you'll always have a home here. Maybe we've been too strict with you. We just feel that we missed out on being your parents. A child's life has so many milestones, and we couldn't be there for any of them." Tears formed in his eyes. "Please let us parent you at least some of the time."

Snow added, "Ever since you got back together with Regina, your father and I feel that we have to fight for your attention." Neal started crying. "He's hungry." His mother got the baby and nursed him. "We'll never force you to live with us, but please visit when you can."

"That's right," her father told her. "We want to see you, and not just during work."

"It's not like I'm leaving town." Emma sipped her cocoa. "I promise to visit some weekends."

Snow added, "You and our grandson."

"Of course." Emma took a bite of her scone. "Me, Henry, and Regina. Regina is my girlfriend. She's practically part of the family, being Henry's adoptive mother. If me and Henry are coming over, Regina will be there too."

Snow and Charming gave each other worried looks.

Emma clenched her fist but spoke calmly. "You can't ignore the fact that me and her are in a relationship. I know it's awkward, but you don't help it by pushing Regina away and insulting her. It hurts me that you don't trust her."

Charming ate another scone. "Emma, are you sure you're happy with this?"

Emma sulked. "With this? You mean dating Regina? Yes, I am happy, Dad. I can't even begin to describe to you how happy she makes me."

Snow spoke, "We want you to be happy, Emma. It just hasn't been easy for us to accept that Regina's changed."

"Mom, she's a completely different person now than the Evil Queen from your past. You know that she wouldn't harm any of us. We gave her a second chance, and she's proven herself time and time again that she wants to be good. Deep down, you know Regina is the same person who saved your life all those years ago." Emma stared at her parents. "It's not that you don't think Regina's still the Evil Queen. It's that you don't think she loves me."

Neither parent responded.

"Dad, Mom. Believe me when I tell you that Regina and I love each other."

Her father eyed her mother before speaking, "Regina had us swear never to tell you this, but..."

Snow finished his sentence, "Under the Spell of Shattered Sight, Regina told us exactly how much she loves you. She was angry at us for judging the two of you, and she sort of confessed her love for you."

Charming brought more cocoa for Snow and Emma. "We apologize for ever thinking she had you under a love potion. Our daughter's true love has been staring at us in the face, and we've been oblivious to it."

Emma sipped her cocoa. "You've been ignoring the fact that Regina and I are soulmates. Regina told me how homosexuality was very taboo in the Enchanted Forest. It's a stereotype that only dark magic users are gay."

Charming sighed. "We live in a different world now. Your mother and I are trying hard to accept those who are different."

Emma looked at her father. "Is it so had to accept me?"

Snow gazed sweetly at her daughter. "Of course not, Ems." She hugged her.

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, Emma."

"I want to be able to love who I love and be who I am." She held her family close.

"Emma, we love you and accept you......and your sexuality."

Charming apologized, "We're sorry for judging you. From now on, we won't make any disparaging remarks about Regina. She's part of this family, just like you."

Emma smiled, finally content with family tensions being reconciled. 

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