Ruby tries to tell Granny about her sexuality

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Ruby nervously tapped her foot as she waited for her grandmother to fill the breakfast orders. They now faced the slow period at the diner, between the breakfast and lunch rush. The thought of coming out to Granny about her sexuality loomed over Ruby's head. She meant to tell her earlier that day before they opened the restaurant, but uneasiness left her speechless. Hours ticked by, and Ruby remained silent.

Granny set on the counter a sizzling, hot dish of sausage and vegetables mixed with scrambled eggs. Ruby took the plate but stopped before leaving the kitchen. "Granny, Mulan asked for no cheese on her scramble."

Granny did not look up from sautéing meat and vegetables. "Oops, I forgot. I'm sure she won't mind."

"Yes, she will. Mulan's lactose intolerant."

Granny used her forearm to wipe sweat from her brow. "She should be fine. It's only little shredded cheese."

"Mulan specifically asked for no cheese."

"Well, I can't just take it off now. I'll have to make it all over again." She poured a pitcher of beaten eggs over the sauté. "Please tell Mulan that her breakfast will be a few more minutes."

Ruby entered the dining room and walked behind the counter across from where Mulan sat. "Hey, Mulan. That scramble's gonna be a little longer, hope that's okay." She poured more hot water for Mulan's tea.

Mulan, in her newly cropped, short, black hair, wore a red jacket with blue jeans. She smiled at Ruby. "It's no problem. Hey, are you okay? You look, well, like someone's holding you at knifepoint."

Ruby's face turned pale, and her legs shook. "I'm fine."

Mulan looked at her worriedly. "Are you sure?"

Ruby bit her lip. "Mulan, have you ever had to tell someone something really important, but you were afraid to because of how they might react?"

Mulan met Ruby's eyes and nodded.

"Red!" Granny called from the kitchen. "I have plates for you to take!"

Ruby hurried back to deliver dishes.

"Red, you've been awfully distracted today. I need you stay focused." Granny handed Ruby two plates, ready for customers.

"Granny, you remembered not to add pancake batter to Robin's omelet, right?"

Granny slammed her fist against the counter, angry with herself for forgetting. "It's what makes our signature omelets so popular."

"Granny, Robin's gluten-free, and he wanted sausage instead of toast."

"Gluten-free?" Granny muttered through gritted teeth. "Every day it's something new in this realm. Yesterday was veganism, tomorrow will be keto."

"Celiac disease isn't a fad diet. Both Robin and Roland could get very sick if they eat gluten. And Roland's meal should have fruit, not pancakes, with his eggs and bacon."

Granny sighed tiredly. "I'm sorry dear. I just didn't want to have to remake the omelet."

"I'll call Ashley over to do it." Ruby stuck out her head into the dining room. "Hey, Ashley. Can you help us in the kitchen?"

Ashley stopped busing tables and made her way toward Ruby. "Sure!"

Ruby handed her the receipt for Robin's food order. "Can you make this omelet without pancake batter?"

"Of course." Ashley washed her hands and started cooking.

Ruby looked to her grandmother. "Granny, why don't you take a break and eat these pancakes and toast slices? You've been on your feet all morning."

"But who's going to clean the dishes now?"

"I've got it." Ruby quickly prepared a small fruit bowl and added cooked sausages to a plate before leaving the kitchen. She approached a tired and ragged-looking father and son. "Unfortunately, the omelet isn't ready yet, but I have your breakfast, Roland." The brunette placed his breakfast on the table.

Roland sniffled. "Thanks, Ruby!"

"Of course! Here's some hash browns and sausages for you, Robin, while you wait."

"Thanks," Robin told her before sniffing.

"Papa, my head hurts," Roland complained.

Robin, who was using his left hand to hold up his own head said, "Eat some food, it'll help."

Ruby set extra napkins on the table. "I'll be back with more hot water for tea, and if you'd like anything else, let me know. Seconds are on me." It's the least I can do. They've been so mournful since the Snow Queen froze Marian.

Robin sniffled. "I appreciate that, Ruby."

The brunette successfully balanced busing tables and taking orders while Ashley cooked, and Granny took a break. Just before eleven, Happy entered the diner to begin his shift. He smiled broadly when he saw the brunette, "Good morning, Ruby. Such a pleasant day out, don't you think?"

Ruby shrugged, "Yeah, I guess. For the first time this week, it's above forty degrees. Listen, can you wait tables out here on your own for now? I gotta help Granny."

"That's no problem."

"Great!" Ruby walked back into the kitchen. Ashley cooked while Granny sat at a small table eating pancakes and toast.

Granny poured syrup on her pancakes. "I appreciate you handling things in the dining room while Ashley's in here." She finished a bite before adding, "You manage very efficiently."

Ruby's heart raced as she struggled to find the words to say. She watched hopelessly as her grandmother ate, and she missed yet another opportunity.

Granny finished her plate and wiped her mouth with a napkin, "Well, I should be gettin' back to it." She stood from her chair. "Ashley, why don't you see if Happy needs help waiting tables?" Ashley left the kitchen and Granny looked at the next food order in the queue.

"Granny, there's something I wanted to talk to you about."

"What's that dear?" Granny asked as she prepared ingredients for making onion rings.

Ruby stammered, "Can you...Can you stop for just a sec?"

"Red, I have customers who expect their lunch on time." She told her while mixing batter.

"Please, Granny. This is important."

Granny turned around to face her granddaughter, "Yes?"

"I've been wanting to tell you this for a while now, but I never knew the right words. I still don't know the right words to say... It's not easy for me, so I know this isn't going to be easy for you......"

Suddenly, Ashley sprang through the door. "Ruby, I need your help. I know we don't make frappuccinos, but Emma and Regina said you made them a blended coffee drink with the milkshake machine last time. They've asked for it again."

Ruby bolted out of the kitchen for the path of least resistance. After making small talk with Emma and Regina, Ruby made her blended coffee milkshake creation.

"Thanks, Ruby!" Emma exclaimed enthusiastically when Ruby set down the drinks.

Regina tapped the glass. "This is honestly the only thing getting me through the day."

Ruby smiled. "I'm glad I could help."

Granny walked out with a salad with grilled chicken for Regina and a grilled cheese with onion rings for Emma. "There you are, enjoy your lunch."

The minute Ruby and Granny turned around, Emma leaned forward and kissed her girlfriend on the lips. Granny caught her in the corner of her eye. She muttered to Ruby once they got to the kitchen, "Can you believe those animals, thinking the whole world is their bed?" Shaking her head, she asked, "What did you want to tell me, dear?"

Ruby's jaw dropped, and tears fell from her eyes. "Nothing!" She shouted. "I'm taking my break now," She yelled as she stormed out of the kitchen.

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