Sneaking 'Out'

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The next day, an uneasy feeling crept over Elsa. She felt overjoyed to be with Ruby, but thoughts of home filled her heart with doubt. That was my first kiss, She thought. Ruby is so unbelievably beautiful. I didn't know any woman, or man, could make me feel that way. What happens when I have to go back home? For the entire day, Elsa avoided visiting the diner.

Late that night, she heard tapping on her bedroom door at the convent. She rubbed her eyes, got out of bed, and opened the door. Ruby stood in the hallway. Elsa threw her arms around her. "Ruby, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you," Ruby told her. "Can we go for a walk?"

The blonde nodded. "I'll need to change first." She looked at Ruby timidly. "Do you mind?"

"Oh, not at all." Ruby waited outside her room while Elsa changed her clothes.

The two began walking in the night air. Ruby held Elsa's hand. "I haven't seen you all day. I thought you were hiding from me."

Elsa sighed. "I was hiding, but not from you. For nearly my whole life, I was told to hide my powers, to hide my feelings. It's still something I do out of instinct. I hid myself away for so long, I don't even know who I am."

Ruby smirked at her. "Maybe I can help with that. Wanna walk back to my place?"

They walked together to Ruby's apartment. Ruby turned on the heat and took off her black hoodie, revealing a thin, white tank top. Elsa gawked at her tattooed sleeves. The brunette offered her a bottle of strawberry lemonade. Once they sat down, Ruby held up one of the many magazines scattered on the table—an issue of Penthouse. "I've had boyfriends before," She told Elsa. "But I didn't know I was into girls until I looked through one of these." She placed the magazine in front of Elsa.

Elsa stared in awe at the half-naked women in the photos as Ruby slowly turned each page. Gradually, her eyes shifted back to the woman sitting in front of her. She saw the outline of her breasts beneath her shirt. A chill ran up Elsa's spine as she lost herself in the brunette's arms. "I like your tattoos. In Arendelle, I don't think anybody puts marks on their skin like that."

"Thanks." Ruby sipped her lemonade. "They're more common than you think. Even in the Enchanted Forest, I knew people with tattoos. There might be people in Arendelle with them, but they probably cover them up 'cause it's so damn cold."

Elsa smiled. "They're so interesting." She breathed in the forest scene that inked Ruby's arm as the brunette flipped to the next page.

"This model," Ruby pointed to the photo. "She's my favorite." Elsa looked down at the backside of a young woman with long, dark brown hair. She wore a very short, light blue, checkered dress and red heels. Her outfit perfectly highlighted her slender legs and round ass. The model looked over her shoulder, showing a flirty smirk. "You know," Ruby began, "Last night was the first time I'd ever kissed a girl."

"Mine, too. The first time I had kissed anyone." As Elsa stared at the gorgeous model in the blue dress, her cheeks blushed hotly, her nipples hardened, and she felt wet. She leaned forward and kissed Ruby on the lips. "I like you. Emma told me that I like women, but I didn't want to believe her."

Ruby returned the kiss. "I like you, too. I'm bisexual. I like both men and women."

"What am I?" Asked Elsa.

"That's up to you. If you only like women, that makes you a lesbian, or you can call yourself gay. The word doesn't matter. Your name can be whatever you want, or you can choose not to have a label at all. One thing we know for certain, though, is that you're Elsa."

Elsa brought her hands to her flushed face. "No one in Arendelle is like me. What will the kingdom think? What will my sister think?" The two women stared into each other's eyes and blushed. Tiny snowflakes drifted around them. "Oh, Ruby. When I'm with you I feel like... like I'm free...... like this weight has been lifted from me."

Ruby stood, took Elsa by the hand, and led her to the bed. Then, she guided Elsa's freezing hands to Ruby's breasts. The brunette gasped as Elsa felt firm nipples beneath the white tank top.

Snowflakes spiraled rapidly above their heads while a whirlwind of feelings and thoughts spun in Elsa's mind. She stared at Ruby's upper left arm. "What's that one about?"

Ruby smiled. "It's from a children's book. I'm not even sure if it's from a real place. It's called the Mirror of Erised, a magical mirror that shows us our hearts' deepest desire."

Elsa let go of Ruby's breasts and ran her hand along the tattoo. "And what is your deepest desire?"

"To be accepted for who I am."

Elsa smiled and looked into Ruby's forest-green eyes. "I'm sorry for asking. They're just so mysterious to me."

"Don't apologize. I love talking about my tattoos. They represent who I am and certain moments of my life. They give me a chance to share my story with others."

Elsa thought to herself. I wonder if I'll ever get a tattoo representing me and who I am. What would it look like? Thoughts of home and her sister resurfaced to the forefront of her mind. The snowflakes drifting around them disappeared. "I'm not looking forward to going back home. I have responsibilities as queen. I don't want to hide who I am anymore. I need to prove to my kingdom that I'm worthy of respect and trust."

"Why do you want to go back so badly? You make it sound like everyone hates you."

"Ruby, I can't just leave them. Being queen is more than just reigning in luxury. It's an honor and duty to the people of Arendelle. I must tend to them and defend them."

"Oh, let someone else rule." Ruby put Elsa's hands back on her breasts, "And stay here in Storybrooke with me."

Elsa took both Ruby's hands and squeezed them, sending a shiver up Ruby's spine.

The brunette whined softly, "I like one else can....." She panted, ".........make me feel............ the way you can."

"I'm scared to go back home, but I can't stay here. I'm scared of what my sister will think, but I need to find her. My sister is the only family I have. I love her and miss her so much."

"I'm sure she'll understand and still love you, even if you are into women. You just gotta give her a chance." She caressed Elsa's frost pale cheek. "What's your sister like?"

Elsa smiled. "Anna is fun-loving and spontaneous. She's much braver than I am, even though she's younger. She doesn't care what people think of her. I'm planning her wedding in a few months."

"Do you approve of the guy?"

Elsa nodded. "Kristoff's so kind, genuine, and faithful to Anna. He's someone who can protect her." She started laughing. "He's a real goofball too. The two make quite a pair." The blonde took a deep breath, thinking about how happy it made her seeing Anna and Kristoff together. "Ruby?"


"Have you told your granny about me?"

Ruby's eyes suddenly looked away from the blonde.

"Does she even know you like women?"

"It's none of her business."

"That's true, but she is your family. I never want to keep secrets from my sister, even though telling her will be the hardest thing I've ever done."

Ruby punched the wall. "Fine! If you promise to tell your sister, I'll tell my granny."

"Deal." Tears began falling from Elsa's eyes.

"Elsa, are you okay?"

"Yeah." Elsa wiped away the tears with her hands. "I just don't know if I'll ever see Anna again, and if I do, she may not want to see me ever." She began weeping.

Ruby lied down on the bed. "Come here."

Elsa lay beside her.

Ruby wrapped her arms around the blonde and kissed her cheek. "Sleep here tonight."

Elsa cried in Ruby's arms as they both fell asleep. 

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