Elsa helps Ruby close Granny's Diner for the night

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The next day, the snow on the ground reduced to a thin frost layer, temperatures rose to thirty-six degrees Fahrenheit, and the ice barrier blocking Storybrooke from the outside world grew thinner still.

Elsa arrived at the diner late at night. A 'closed' sign hung in the window. After knocking a few times on the locked door, she caught Ruby's attention, and the brunette let her inside the restaurant. "Welcome to the diner after hours," She told Elsa. "The best part of my job." She turned on the jukebox to play fun, upbeat music. Then, she took Elsa's hands and they danced around the empty diner. The blonde felt her heart racing as they spun. "Will you help wipe down the tables and chairs for me?" Ruby asked while handing her a rag and disinfecting spray.

"Of course!" The two wiped down the furniture and then stacked the chairs onto the tables. Once they finished, Elsa exclaimed, "I have an idea!" She used her ice powers to transform the diner floor into a skating rink.

"Cool!" Ruby exclaimed. "Hey, I didn't know your powers could make ice skates," She told her as she skated around the room. "Whoa, whoooaaa!"

Elsa steadied the brunette. The two skated and danced together. Ruby felt her folds dampen as the dazzling queen of Arendelle flawlessly twirled before her on the ice. "Hey, Elsa. Are you hungry? The kitchen's ours to make whatever we want."

Both women enjoyed two glasses of chocolate milk, and Ruby made pancakes for the two of them. Elsa beamed at Ruby. "This is awesome! You get to do this every night?"

"Most nights, when I get to close the diner." She looked at Elsa and blushed. "Elsa, you've got, um."


Ruby didn't know if her canine instincts or something else possessed her to do it. Without warning, she leaned toward Elsa and licked the chocolate milk mustache off her face.

Elsa looked at her in shock, her palms sweating.

Goosebumps formed all over Ruby's body. "I'm sorry." She panted. "It's just—"

"Just a wolf thing?"

Ruby's eyes widened. "You knew?"

Elsa looked down at the floor. "I saw you the other night."

"And you didn't tell me?!" Ruby asked angrily.

"I didn't want to upset you."

"So, you don't like me? You've been leading me on all this time?" She stood, took a few steps, and turned away from the blonde. "Just when I thought I could have a friend who didn't know me as the cursed werewolf mutant I really am! How could I have thought the ice beauty actually liked me?"

Elsa stood up from her chair. "How could you say that about yourself! You've done nothing but care for me. Ruby, you are not a cursed mutant. You're a gentle, fascinating, intelligent, woman who is gifted with being both wolf and human. I used to think I was cursed with my ice powers, but then I met you. You've been the only one who's ever understood me." She walked toward Ruby. "And I do like you."

Tears fell from Ruby's eyes. She turned to Elsa and smiled weakly. "Come on," She told her. "We still need to mop the floor."

Elsa melted the ice, and the two women mopped the floor. Then, they did the dishes and scrubbed the kitchen cabinets. Before long, the two finished cleaning the entire restaurant. Not wanting Elsa to leave, Ruby asked, "Want to go for a walk?"

Despite it being very late, dark, and freezing, Elsa didn't want to leave Ruby's side. "Sure."

The two women walked down the dark, empty streets in the snow. "Elsa?"


"I'm sorry I licked your face."

Elsa felt her nipples harden. "Don't be sorry. It was...soft...... and tickled a little......... I............ liked it."

They passed by the Rabbit Hole Tavern, still open with dimmed lights and few customers. Loud music played inside the bar. Elsa heard the lyrics, "When I hold you close to me, I could always see a house by the ocean." She turned to Ruby, held her hand, and asked, "Do you want to dance?"

The two women danced slowly in the starlit, empty street outside the tavern. Gazing into each other's eyes they understood each other's feelings without speaking. The lyrics spoke for them:

Falling in love deeper than I felt it before with you, baby,

I feel I'm falling in love with all my heart.

At the same time, they both leaned forward and kissed each other's lips. Then, they kissed again and again. The affectionate couple did not realize that someone watched them making out from inside the tavern.

She looked out the window and smiled.

"What are you looking at?" Asked Emma.

"Love," Regina answered. She tilted her head toward the two lovers.

Emma glanced out the window and grinned. "Oh, I see it now."

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