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The following day, Storybrooke faced record-breaking, freezing temperatures. A blanket of snow covered the sidewalks. People wrapped in large overcoats shivered as they walked through town. Emma met Elsa to try melting the ice wall again.

Elsa held out her hands in front of the ice. Nothing happened. "It's no use!" She shouted.

"It's okay." Emma stepped closer to her.

Elsa turned away and refused to look at her. "I feel as if I'm not myself. Something has come over me. Something I can't control." Her body shook. "When I look at you, I get nervous. It's as if I'm scared of you, but I know that's silly. You've been nothing but kind to me."

"Elsa, I think I know what's going on, and it's okay." She rubbed her hands together. Even in her white overcoat, gloves, and green beanie, the sheriff still felt freezing. "Aren't you cold in just that dress?"

Elsa shook her head. "Something's wrong with me."

"Nothing's wrong with you, Elsa. You're just feeling confused, that's all."

"I'm not......I'm not human. I'm a monster!" In her anger, she flailed her arms around, moving the snow beneath her. She didn't pay attention to the powers shooting from her fingertips. Sculptures of miniature mountains and trees materialized in the snow. Within minutes, a tiny forest appeared beneath her.

Emma watched in awe as Elsa formed snow into art. "Could a monster have created this?"

Elsa stopped and smiled a little. "I hate myself for having powers, but sometimes, I feel that they're all I have. My parents locked me in my room as a child. I would make it snow to keep me company when I was lonely." She made a small ice figure of a swan. "I don't know who I'd be without my powers." The ice girl turned around and handed the swan to Emma.

"This is beautiful," Emma told her.

Elsa's hands began shaking. The swan melted. Snow from the miniature forest shifted and formed into a giant mass, swirling rapidly.

She's about to lose control again. I need to distract her. "Elsa, let's see if Gold can help us find your sister."

The two of them visited Mr. Gold's pawnshop. A necklace inside the shop window caught her eye. She took it and interrogated Gold with it. "This is Anna's necklace! Where is she?" Snow lightly fell from her hands.

Rumpelstiltskin remained calm, "Your Majesty, I don't know where she is or how that necklace got here in my shop."

Belle pulled out his dagger and used it to command her husband, "Rumpel, tell the truth! Where is Elsa's sister?"

Rumpel looked at his wife. "I promise you I know nothing of Queen Elsa or Princess Anna."

Elsa hung her head, crestfallen. She kept the necklace and left the shop with Emma. Rumpel called after them, "I wish you the best of luck finding the princess."

Elsa looked down and began crying. "I may never see Anna again. She's my only family, my only friend. She was there for me at a time when no one else was. Now, I can't be there for her." Emma stepped close to her, making Elsa's eyes widen and her nipples involuntarily harden. She panted as tears streamed down her face.

"Come on, Elsa," Emma told her. "Let's take a walk through the woods." She drove Elsa to the forest edge, and the two began walking. They walked deep into the woods, passing many snow-covered pines. Suddenly, Elsa stopped dead in her tracks. "Elsa, are you okay?"

Elsa saw something in the distance, a faint shadow beckoning her. Without warning, she ran to chase it. She ran deeper and deeper into the forest. As she neared the shadow, it turned out to be a person in a red hood. The figure sat down in the snow. Heart racing, Elsa sat down and saw the person behind the hood. Her eyes gazed at a woman who looked about her age with wavy, brown locks and forest, green eyes. To Elsa, the woman looked breathtaking.

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