Anna and Elsa get matching tattoos

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Ruby, Elsa, and Anna walked down the street together. "Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Elsa asked her sister.

Anna squeezed her own arm and looked away from Elsa. "Um, yeah."

Elsa stopped walking. "Anna, we don't have to if you don't want to."

"I want to, Elsa. I'm just a little nervous. I want to be brave like you."

"Like me? Anna, you were always the daring one. Leaping off the furniture, giving royal speeches when you were just five years old, sneaking down to the kitchens after dark."

Anna grinned. "I think getting matching tattoos will be cool and something special that can bond us even more."

"Does Kristoff know about this?"

"He will."

Elsa raised an eyebrow at her.

"It's not like he's in charge of me, Elsa. We did talk about the possibility of me getting a tattoo. He just doesn't know that possibility is today."

The three women walked into the Grumpy, ink. Tattoo Parlor. "Back again?" Leroy grunted.

"Hello." Anna introduced herself. "My name is Anna. I'm Elsa's sister." She held out her hand for Leroy to shake. "Elsa and I would like to get matching tattoos today."

He shook her hand. "What did you have in mind?"

Anna answered, "Well we want something that says, 'we're forever bound' and 'we're contemporary'. Do you think you can do something like that?"

Leroy showed her a design of a simple, black outline of two young girls, hand in hand. Below them, the black outline formed into an infinity symbol, uniting them. A splash of watercolors filled the background. Elsa and Anna beamed when they saw it. Anna looked at Leroy. "Oh, that looks awesome!" They decided to get it on their left wrists.

Leroy set up shop, and Ruby paid for the tattoos. "Thanks, again," Elsa told Ruby. "I know these aren't cheap."

"It's no problem," Ruby replied. "I have plenty of money from work. Think of it as a going-away present." Elsa looked longingly into Ruby's green eyes before sitting in the chair next to Leroy. "You want me to hold your hand?" Ruby asked.

"Nah, I'm fine." Elsa remained still and calm, never uttering a sound or moving a muscle.

"Wow, sis!" Anna exclaimed. "You didn't even flinch."

Ruby wrapped her arm around Elsa and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm not surprised. Your sister's tough as nails."

"Believe me, it still hurt," Elsa confessed before her sister sat down for her tattoo.

"Yeowch! Hot syrup on chocolate chip pancakes!" Yelled Anna as the artist began his needlework. "You weren't kiddin' when you said it hurt." Elsa held her sister's hand. After a couple of minutes, Anna forgot about the pain and started asking Leroy questions about his job and about the designs on the walls. "Did you draw all these designs? How long have you been an artist? Is it just you working here? Is skin art a good profession to get into?"

Leroy only answered in grunts and nods, keeping his focus on his art. When he finished, he lifted the needle and shouted at Anna, "Will you shut up?! How can I concentrate with you yapping and asking me questions every five seconds?! You talked more today than the week your sister's been in Storybrooke!" He wrapped Anna's left wrist and stomped his feet on his way to the backroom.

The three women happily left the tattoo parlor. Anna, thrilled with her new tat, began expressing her desire for even more designs on her skin.

Elsa thought to herself, Was I this annoying to Ruby after my first? She hugged Anna, "I'm so happy we did this."

"Me too," Anna agreed. "You got a tattoo that says expresses your identity. I wanted us to get tattoos to show that our bond as sisters will never break because I love you for your identity."

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