Frozen Cold

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Emma spoke softly, "I'm gonna be okay, Dad. Ah-aah-aaachoooooo!"

* * *

Emma caught a cold from being in the ice too long. As much as their parents wanted to take care of her, they didn't want to risk infecting their newborn. Regina volunteered to take her in until she got better.

The brunette led Emma through the house. "Thank God, the power's on again! Let's get you a hot meal before you lie down."

"No!" Emma yelled. "Just want sleep." The blonde headed straight for the couch.

"Oh, no you don't." Regina sat down beside her. "I can't have you falling asleep. We need to make sure you stay warm."

Emma threw her arms around Regina. "You can keep me warm."

Regina sighed and waved her fingers, sending a large blanket to cover both their bodies. "Just a quick nap. And then, some hot soup."

Emma shivered under the blankets. "C-c-cold, so c-c-c-cold."

* * *

Regina woke up to find her son placing two mugs of hot tea on the coffee table. Emma slept peacefully on top of her. "Henry, what are you doing here?" Regina asked.

"I thought you might need help," He told her.

"Did David find the ice witch?"

"Her name is Elsa, and yes, he did. He's having her stay at the station, just to protect her. She wanted to come to apologize about getting Emma sick."

"That witch almost killed her!"

"She wanted to talk to you about something else too, but she didn't say what. It looks like she's just stressed and scared. Dr. Hopper's going to the station later to talk to her."

Regina wrapped her arms around Emma. "Tell her to stay the hell away from my Emma!"

"Okay, Mom."

"I won't let anything happen to you, Emma. She's really sick, Henry."

"Yeah," Henry agreed. "You both are."

"I'm not..." she paused to yawn, "Sick."

Henry looked at Regina's flushed cheeks. "To hell, you're not."

"Language, Henry!" Regina scolded as she tiredly lay her head against the armrest.

"I'm going to make soup." Henry left the living room.

Regina drank her tea. Emma woke up shortly afterward with a coughing fit. She wiped her nose with the blanket.

Regina magically conjured a tissue box. "How are you feeling, Emma?"

"Headache," Emma answered, blowing her nose with a tissue.

"Henry brought tea a little while ago." She took the mug in front of Emma and magically warmed it before handing it to the blonde.


"He's making us soup as well."

"Good. Wait, us soup?"

"Henry is convinced you've given me your cold."

Emma leaned back against Regina's chest and looked up at her. "Uh, I think he's right. Your face is all red."

Regina sighed. "I guess, that's what happens when I let you sleep on me, not to mention the snot you just sprayed on this blanket. Did anyone teach you any manners growing up?"

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