Any Given Sundae

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The sheriff came home later that evening after a long shift. Regina texted her earlier that she and Henry had already eaten dinner. Emma grabbed a quick bite at Granny's on the way. When she opened the door, she heard the TV and entered the living room. Both Henry and Regina sat on the couch, curled up under a blanket, watching Return of the King.

Henry lifted his head when he saw Emma. "Hi, Momb!"

"Hey kid, how are you feeling?"

"Better." He took the last tissue in the box to wipe his nose. Regina magically summoned another box. Henry tossed his tissue in a small trashcan next to him.

Emma raised her eyebrow at Henry, then sat down in the armchair. "How is he really, love?"

Regina answered, "His fever's gone down some. He just got up from a nap, so he thinks he's better than he really is."

"I'm better, Momb!" He wiped his nose on his sleeve.

Regina looked at him sternly, "Ah, tissue Henry. Like I always tell you, that is your kerchief and that is your sleeve and don't confuse the one with the other."

Henry took out another tissue.

Emma asked, "Can I join your movie marathon?"

"We're already on the last moobie, Momb."

Regina grinned. "Well, I don't think The Two Towers counts since you slept through half of it."

Emma giggled. "I'd love to watch with you." She stood up from the chair. "I'm gonna make cocoa first."

"I'll get it," Regina offered.

"No, I'd rather make it myself. It never comes out right when you make it by magic, no offense." She went to the kitchen and made hot cocoa with steamed almond milk and sprinkled cinnamon. When she reentered the living room, she saw Henry asleep with his head leaning against Regina's arm. "You two look cute together," Emma noted as she sat down and drank her cocoa.

Henry began snoring. Regina petted his cheek. "Spending time with him like this has been a real blessing. He's growing up so fast. It's nice to feel needed as a mom again." She sighed, "Perhaps I was too harsh with Elsa."

"She's just scared and nervous. I'm trying to help her control her magic. We've got to figure out how to get her home."

Regina tilted her head and eyed her girlfriend. "You know, she likes you."

Emma smirked at her. "You worried she'll steal me away with her ice powers?"

"Don't let her forget that you're mine."

"You're so cute when you're jealous."

"Do you find her attractive?"

Emma shook her head. "She seems really young, younger than twenty-four. Just a scared, little girl, afraid of her own feelings."

Regina nodded. "I see the way she acts around you. I remember being that way with Tink. We were only seventeen."

"That was me with Lily. We learned from each other. Experimented. Kissed. Touched. We were both just thirteen."

"I'm not even sure the poor dear knows who she is. I didn't understand what was happening to me when Tink entered my life. That might be why she can't seem to control her ice powers."

Emma sipped her cocoa. "That's probably the reason. If she can handle her magic, maybe she can find a way home, too. Elsa needs a friend."

"Someone to help her be comfortable in her own skin."

The blonde set down her mug. "Who do you think that could be?"

"I don't know."

* * *

The next day, Henry felt much better. Emma picked him up from school. "Hey Mom, can we get ice cream? There's this new shop in town."

"Sure, kid."

A woman with blonde hair and a big smile greeted them as they entered the shop. "Hello. Welcome to Any Given Sundae. What can I get for you?"

Henry ogled the selection of ice cream flavors.

Emma felt uncomfortable by the way the store owner was watching them. She suddenly lost her appetite for ice cream. "I'll just have coffee." The sheriff eyed the woman suspiciously as the coffee brewed.

Her son walked over to the freezer of ice-cream cakes. "Can we get a cake, Mom?"

"Heck no!" She said as she took the coffee that was ready. "That's way too much for just the two of us."

"Well, your birthday's coming up. Can we get you this cake and have a party then?" Henry pointed to the glass.

"My birthday's still over a month away."

"Five weeks, to be exact."

Emma felt surprised that her son knew the exact number of weeks until her birthday. She looked at the cake. It was white frosted with pink and blue stripes and flowers made of icing. The sheriff sighed. It didn't seem to be her taste, but rather something that suited her mother. "Henry, you know that too much dairy upsets my stomach."

"We do offer vegan ice cream that can be substituted for any cake," The woman behind the counter explained. "The one on display there is our princess design. Cake and ice cream flavors are customizable. We can even make non-dairy frosting upon request."

Emma found it impossible to say 'no' to her son beaming at her. "Fine. We'll get the cake for my birthday, and you can throw a party—as long you order it with almond milk ice cream."

"Ruby's already planning a party at Granny's for you!"

"Sheesh! Why am I the last to know about this?"

Henry chewed his lower lip. "Grandpa told me not to tell you."

The store owner giggled awkwardly, making Emma cringe.

Henry walked up to the counter. "Unicorn Sundae, please."

"Certainly. Which flavor of ice cream?"

"Rainbow buttercream cake batter."

The woman quickly served a rainbow cake batter ice cream scoop with rainbow sprinkles and a unicorn-shaped cookie. Emma felt an unexplained uneasiness as she paid for their coffee and ice cream. Something about her made Emma mistrust her. Henry and Emma walked outside to enjoy their afternoon treats.  

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