The Charmings' Daughter

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Later that night, Regina and Emma walked arm in arm down the streets of Storybrooke. Regina held Emma tightly, "Do you have to go?"

Emma kissed her girlfriend's cheek. "I wish I didn't, but my parents insisted I spend the night at home tonight."

The mayor whispered in her girlfriend's ear, "But I'll be lonely."

The sheriff smiled. "Maybe I can apparate after they go to sleep."

"Oh, please do. I can't bear to sleep alone."

"My parents just miss me, I guess. Any luck with a cure for Marian?"

Regina groaned. "Henry and I spent all day in my vault going through potions. We came up with nothing." She sighed. "I can't let her die. I can't give Robin a reason to..." The brunette muttered to herself.

"Reason to what?"


Emma pinched her, and she flinched. "Come on. You can't hide things from me, Regina."

"Fine! Robin's just been on my case lately, and when Marian unfreezes, I'm hoping he'll leave me alone. I have to save her. If I don't, the whole town will think I killed her."

"You'll find a way to revive her. I believe in you." They walked a few more steps toward the Charmings' flat. "That was a good idea to have Ruby find Elsa."

The mayor nodded. "Elsa is sure happier now. She looks more confident, as well."

"The happiest I've seen her in Storybrooke. Her magic is improving too." She shot her girlfriend a sly look. "And, she has great taste in women."

Regina swiftly smacked Emma's ass. "Keep talking like that, and it'll be the dungeon for you."

The blonde smiled by how comfortable her girlfriend now felt with displaying such affection. She turned to the brunette as they climbed the steps. "Maybe I should talk about my crushes more often."

They reached the door. "Are you sure you want to go down this rabbit hole, Miss Swan?"

Emma kissed her. "If it means seeing you in leather."

Regina whispered in Emma's ear, "Must you see your parents tonight?"

Emma spoke softly to be sure her mother didn't hear from behind the door, "I don't want to, but I have to." She sighed. "I don't want to fight with them. I want for us to finally get along and for them to accept you."

Regina kissed her cheek. "You can't please everyone. Some people still believe I'm the Evil Queen."

The sheriff thought to herself, Yeah, people like my parents. "I'll see you later tonight."

"I'll be waiting."

Emma enjoyed watching her girlfriend's ass as Regina walked back down the steps. Then, Emma unlocked the door and entered her parents' home. A look of dread came across her face when she saw her parents sitting at the kitchen table. I knew this talk was coming.

Charming spoke first, "You're home late."

Emma set her keys in the bowl on the counter. "I didn't even tell you what time I'd be home."

"We told you midnight," Her father told her.

"I never agreed to that." The blonde poured herself a glass of water. "You know I usually come home late anyway."

"If you come home at all." Charming sighed. "How did your date go?"

The sheriff finished her water and washed her glass at the sink. "It was great! We went to the Rabbit Hole for dinner and drinks. It was karaoke night, and we sang 'Heaven is a Place on Earth' together. Regina can really sing like a boss, but she won't unless she's had a few." She smiled to herself, remembering their duet. "They turned up the music and people started dancing. We danced—"

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