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At her lair, Ingrid proceeded to the next part of her plan. She restored the good memories of Emma and Elsa to them. "My dear niece and daughter, you don't have it in you to kill me."

Just then, Anna entered Ingrid's lair. "Wait! I found this letter written by my mother. It reveals the truth of you and Helga being our aunts. It also states that Arendelle deserves to know all about Ingrid and Helga."

Ingrid used her powers to choke Anna.

"Anna!" Elsa screamed.

Her sister lied unconscious. Ingrid picked up the letter Anna dropped. Tears fell from her eyes as she read. "Anna is right." She touched the memory stone, which showed her memories of her sisters. The Snow Queen began to regret her actions. Looking at Emma and Elsa, she remorsefully apologized. "I am so very sorry. Emma, you have found your family here in Storybrooke with your biological parents, son, brother, and girlfriend." Emma and Elsa regained their lost memories. Then, Ingrid sacrificed her own life to undo the Spell of Shattered Sight.

Immediately, Elsa ran to Anna's side. "Anna. Anna, please wake up." She shook her.

Anna slowly turned her head and opened her eyes. Elsa smiled with relief. Then, she turned to Emma. "You go on ahead, we'll catch up with you." She helped Anna to her feet. "I'm so glad you're alright."

Anna pointed to Elsa's left arm. "How long have you had that?" She asked.

"I got it yesterday," Elsa answered.

"Wow! I never thought you'd get a tattoo! Did it hurt?"

"Yes! Everyone knows tattoos hurt. Why would you ask me that?"


Elsa shoved her shoulder, teasingly.

"Can I touch it?" Anna asked.

Elsa nodded.

She felt the raised skin of the freshly cut snowflake. "Was it an idea you had in your head or did someone else draw the design?"

"An artist designed it, but I gave him an idea of what I wanted."

"Why is there a rainbow inside the snowflake?"

"Well, um. It represents a community of open, honest, welcoming people. This community is accepting of whom you choose to love...... romantically."

Anna's raised her eyebrows. "Um, Elsa? I'm not sure what you're saying, exactly."

Elsa looked at her sister. "Anna, I fell in love with someone here in Storybrooke."

"Oh, my goodness!" Anna threw her arms around her sister. "I'm so happy for you, Elsa."

Elsa looked at her sister. "Her name is Ruby."

"She's a girl?"

"Yes, Anna. I'm attracted to women. I'm a lesbian."

At first, Anna seemed surprised, but then she smiled and held Elsa's hand. "I'd love to meet her."

"You're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad that you found someone special? I don't care if that person's a girl. It doesn't matter to me that you like women. What matters to me is that you are yourself."

Elsa held her sister tightly. "I was so afraid you would hate me."

"I could never hate you, Elsa. You will always be my sister."

"I'm not sure how the rest of the kingdom will feel."

"Elsa, you're the freaking queen, what are they gonna do to stop you from expressing your true identity? And even if they do object," Anna broke free from the hug and looked into her sister's eyes, "I'll be right there with you to support you."

Elsa smiled joyously and held her sister's hand. "Come on. We better find your fiancé."

"And your girlfriend," Anna added.

* * *

Emma walked into the sheriff's station to find her parents still locked in their cells, but no longer fighting. Regina, back in her usual blouse and slacks, sat on the floor with her head in her hands next to Snow's cell. She held Snow's hand through the bars.

"What happened here?" Emma asked.

Her mother answered with tears in her eyes, "Nothing, Ems."

Emma unlocked the cells, and her parents ran to her. Then, Henry walked in and hugged both his moms. Kristoff entered the station, carrying a smiling baby Neal.

Snow looked to her husband, "David, I'm sorry for what I said—"

"—Forget it," Charming told her. "Forget everything that was said under the spell."

"Well... I can't forget everything." Snow eyed Regina, kindly, who grinned in return.

Emma raised her eyebrow. "Are you two gonna tell me what's going on?"

Regina smiled tearfully at her girlfriend."Never." They embraced and shared a long, passionate kiss. 

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