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Katsuki's birthday is April 20, Izuku's birthday is July 15, and Shoto's birthday is January 11. Making Izuku and Katsuki older than Shoto. Japan's school year starts in April and ends in March. They consist of three semesters and summer vacations are usually from July 20 to August 31.


Izuku is still quirkless throughout this entire chapter! Katsuki never bullied Izuku either! He nor his boyfriends have forgiven All Might for what he said to Izuku! OOC (Out of Character) Shoto! *!INAPPROPRIATE JOKES ARE MADE IN THIS CHAPTER!* *!THE ENDING HAS A LITTLE BIT OF LIME, BUT THAT'S IT. I WILL NEVER WRITE SMUT OR LEMON!*

Third Person POV

(When Izuku and Katsuki are 4 and Shoto is 3)

"Kacchan! Where are you? Mama and Auntie said it's time for dinner!" Izuku said walking through the forest. He was going to turn around and see if Katsuki had already exited the forest when he heard sniffles in a bush a few feet away. He walked towards the bush cautiously. "Hello?" he said once he got next to it.

He heard the sniffles stop and he walked around the bush to the person behind it. He saw a boy his age with red and white hair, a blue and a gray eye, and a burn over his left eye. He walked closer to the boy and saw that he had bruises on his arms. Izuku got concerned and ran to the boy, grabbing his arms in the process. "Are you okay? Does it hurt? Come on, I'll take you to my mama to get healed up," Izuku asked the boy as he helped him up.

The boy had his head down and was quiet most of the walk back to the park. Izuku didn't really like the silence so he introduced himself, "I'm Midoriya Izuku! What's your name?" "Todoroki Shoto," the boy, Todoroki, mumbled. Izuku smiled at Todoroki, "Nice to meet you Todoroki-kun! How old are you? I'm 4!" "I'm 3. I turn 4 in January," Todoroki mumbled.

Izuku asked Shoto basic questions until they got to the park. He learned that Shoto's favorite color is gray, his favorite food is cold soba, and that his quirk is called Half-Cold Half-Hot. When they got to Izuku's mom she started freaking out over the boys. "Oh, Izuku! You were gone for so long! You're not hurt are you? Oh, is this a new friend?" Inko said as she noticed Shoto. Izuku nodded, "I found him crying. He has bruises on his arms, mama. Can we bring him home and help him?"

Inko nodded as she looked at Shoto's bruises. Her eyes flashed with concern and anger before she led the boys to her car, where Mitsuki and Katsuki were waiting. "Inko! What took you so long?" Mitsuki asked as her best friend walked over to the car. Katsuki saw Shoto and walked over to the other boys. "Izuku, who's this?" he asked, pointing at Shoto. "This is Shoto Todoroki! I found him crying and he's hurt, so mama is going to patch him up at home!"

Katsuki introduced himself to Shoto, "I'm Bakugou Katsuki! And over there is my old hag, Bakugou Mitsuki!" You could hear Mistuki say, "DON'T CALL ME AN OLD HAG YOU BRAT!" and some colorful words. Shoto giggled and the other boys stared at him in shock before they started to giggle as well. Mitsuki helped the boys get buckled up as Inko started the car and then they left for the Midoriya apartment.

With Izuku in the middle, Shoto on his left, and Katsuki on his right, he talked and messed with both boys on the way to his house. When they got to Midoriya's apartment, Inko took Shoto to the bathroom to apply cream to his arms and wrap them in bandages. When Inko was done they joined the others at the dinner table. Izuku and Katsuki got Shoto out of his shell a little bit that day at dinner, and more as they met up at the park on most weekends.

Time Skip to their 2nd year in Junior High

(Izuku and Katsuki are 13 and Shoto is 14)

Shoto was running the familiar route to Kat's house. He barely managed to escape his father this time, he had bruises and even a few burns this time. He was about a block from the Bakugou house when a hero stopped him. "Hey, kid. What's with the bruises and burns?" the hero asked. Shoto didn't answer, instead he studied the hero. This is Eraserhead! Izuku was talking about him yesterday! Shoto thought.

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