Bakugou and Midoriya are parents?

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Third person POV

Izuku and Katsuki had always been friends. Izuku just told Katsuki to fake bully him to keep his reputation. Katsuki and Izuku were out at the mall on a date, when they were 13, when a lady in a hoodie bumped into Izuku. As they would find out in the future this lady's quirk made a child using your DNA and the DNA of the person she touches immediately after.

After getting hit with this quirk and having a little girl appear a few months later, calling Izuku Dada and Katsuki Papa, the couple decided to name her Itsuki Bakugou. Since they now have a kid, Katsuki's parents, Mistuki and Masaru Bakugou, along with Izuku's mom, Inko Midoriya, thought it would be best for Katsuki to move into the Midoriya household to help raise the baby.

As the boys still had school, Inko watched Itsuki during school hours and the boys watched her after school and on weekends. As the years went by, the boys are now 16 and Itsuki is now 3, the boys are on their way to become heroes in U.A.'s hero course class 1-A.

No one at the school knows that Katsuki and Izuku are dating or have a child because they still have the act of Bakugou bullying Izuku just not as harshly. Today they were going to the USJ or Unforseen Simulation Joint.

Izuku's POV

I was really sad leaving Itsuki this morning. She was begging me and Kacchan to stay home and not go to school. She is normally fine with me and Kacchan leaving for school in the mornings because she has mama (Inko) with her.

As we walked into the USJ I was talking with Iida and Uraraka when I got a bad feeling. When we walked in the doorway my bad feeling got worse and I migrated towards Kat. (He only calls him Kat when he feels something is wrong or something bad is going to happen)

I was just about to voice my concern when I saw a weird purple mist form in front of the big fountain in the middle of the USJ. I heard Kirishima yell "Woah, they even got fake villains!!!" I was starting to calm down when I heard Aizawa-Sensei's loud voice "Those aren't fake Kirishima. Everyone stay back, Thirteen protect the students."

He was about to run towards the villains when I saw ash blonde hair with two vibrant green strips in the front. I inched forward, despite the protests from my teachers, classmates, and Kat, and saw one crimson eye and one emerald green eye staring at me with tears about to flow over in the arms of this weird mist man.

I barely heard Aizawa-Sensei say "Midoriya get away from the stairs and go back to your class. This is dangerous." I heard someone say something about the little girl mist man was holding, although I don't know who it was.

"Kat," I said barely above a whisper. I heard someone make their way through the crowd of students while they said "What's going on Izu? Why did you walk all the way up here?" I didn't say anything but pointed to the girl in the mist man's arms.

I heard him question as quietly as possible "Is that?" "Yeah I think it is." I was about to calm down and wait for Aizawa-Sensei to give directions when I heard my little girl cry in the most broken voice "DADA, PAPA, HELP!!"

Third Person POV

Everyone except four people were confused by the little girl's screams. They were all thinking about what she said when they heard the man with hands all over his body say "Ah I was right Kurogiri. Two of our hero NPC's have a little girl. Let's take a guess to find her parents shall we?"

At this point Izuku was attempting to stop himself from running down there and stealing the girl back from the villains and Katsuki was trying to make sure his boyfriend didn't explode. (Ironic right?)

Back by the villains Tomura was inspecting the students and carefully picked out a few "You frog girl, green haired boy, and ash blonde boy, come over here." Aizawa was trying to stop the three kids but they all went down the first flight of stairs together.

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