School during the Two Years

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          For Izuku the two years he was practicing and training were a challenge, Bakugou still bullied him because he thought he was quirkless, which technically he still is but he has power now.

Izuku's POV:

           The training and practicing certain moves on the play ground didn't help much, for about the first year, since I refused to use my chi while at school so I don't actually hurt someone. Then one day a teacher came over. 

          "What are you doing Izuku? You aren't in pain are you?" He asked me. 

          "Oh this is just me practicing some self-defense lessons my Mom enrolled me in" I half lied. I mean the were sort of self defense lessons but that wasn't there true purpose. 

          "Oh well good that your practicing away from others so you don't hurt them" He replied walking off clearly satisfied I wasn't In need of medical attention. 

          With him gone I went back to practicing till our break time was over and I made my way home. Today was the same as any other I went home and practiced, tomorrow was the weekend and one of my check in days with Roku and Iroh. I was excited to see them again they were like Fathers to me, teaching me new things and believing in me unlike everyone at school. 

          "Sweetie dinner is ready go wash up" Mom called out from the sliding door to our backyard. 

          I went inside and washed up and we ate dinner which was my favorite katsu don. After dinner I showered and went to bed. when I woke up and went to the Beach near my home and meditated and entered the spirit world. 

          "Uh Izuku the weekend already, Tea?" Iroh politely asked. 

          "Yes please where is Roku?" I said taking a sip of the tea. 

          "Oh He should be here soon but go ahead and show me what you practiced" He said and I obliged. "Well done Izuku I think you might be able to practice with fire soon, but we will wait for Roku to say so, ok"

          "Ok Iroh" I sat and finished my tea before practicing more. Finally Roku arrived, he sat and began drinking some tea offered by Iroh. 

          "Izuku show me what you've learned" Roku said and I obliged. "Ok I give my permission to use fire in your practice in the mortal world" 

          "Really yeah lets do this" I said happily. 

          "Okay your on the Beach right a perfect place not much to burn if you lose control of the flame," Roku said. 

          "Okay when you go back just focus on creating a ball of fire in your hands and then do what you've practiced" Iroh said. 

          "Right" I said I hugged them and was preparing to leave. 

          "We will be watching you from here and when you return we will let you know if you did anything wrong" Roku informed me with Iroh nodding in agreement. 

          "Okay" I said and made my way back to the mortal realm. I stood up and focused not restraining my bending and made a ball of fire in my palms surprised it was blue. Iroh told me a select few Fire benders in the past had blue fire the first one in nearly three centuries was Iroh's niece Azula. I separated the fire into two one on each palm and started to move through the lessons on the scrolls, creating the arch of fire between his palms and twirling it around himself and jumping into the air and finishing with a flame strike to the sand. This drew the attention of passerby enticing them into watching as I went through the other techniques crowds cheering me on in the background all of them probably thinking I'm a performer or something using my quirk which I'm not just practicing an old dead technique. By the time I was done I had made a sort of glass platform. It was noon and I was quite sweaty so I went back to meditating. 

          "Well done Izuku well done" Roku said. 

          "You have blue fire such a rarity, the only one I knew of was my niece, you will be a great fire bender Izuku even for The Avatar" Iroh said with pride. 

          "Thank you so much for being there for me you two" I said hugging the two of them. I did the same thing the next day and then it was back to school and this week Bakugou was mad. Apperently on the last day of the weekend someone in the crowd was recording me practice and posted it online it was an overnight hit and Bakugou had evidently seen it. 

          "Since when do you have a quirk Deku show me!" Bakugou yelled. 

          "No it can be dangerous when I'm not concentrated on what I'm doing Kacchan, I only started useing it fully recently" I lied not wanting to do it. 

          "Listen here when I tell you to show me I mean show me" Bakugou said. 

          "No Kacchan its dangerous" I Yelled at him, which pissed him off. He went for a punch and instinctively I grabbed it and redirected his attack to the nearby wall. "Those lessons do work well on there own" I muttered. Unfortunately Bakugou had gone for an explosion and it accidently started a fire which was spreading fast I ran inside and pulled the alarm alerting everyone then ran and grabbed Bakugou to get him to safety. When I was sure everyone was out and safe I walked forward and began to bend the fire from the building suffocating the embers that clung to the wood and brought the fire under control causing it to turn blue and finally putting it out with minimal effort just as pro's and the fire department arrived. School was canceled for the rest of the day so I went home and decided to meditate, going to meet with Iroh and Roku. 

          "Well done in protecting your school" Iroh said. 

          "And well done for not having to use The Avatar state I would of had to" Roku said proud of Izuku. 

          "What's the Avatar State?" I asked. 

          "Hm, Apparently Raava never told him Roku" Iroh said. 

          "This brings back memories," Roku said. "Izuku the Avatar State is a Defense Mechanism, designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge of your past lives" 

          "Cool, so its really powerful" I said. 

          "Yes, in the Avatar state you are at your most powerful, but you are also at your most vulnerable," Roku said. 

          "Why is that?" I asked. 

          "If your were to die in the Avatar state the Avatar cycle would be broken and there would never be another avatar" Roku answered. 

          "Okay that makes sense" I said after some contemplation. "It is confusing though, perhaps the Avatar state is broken slightly, I mean Raava said the cycle was destroyed so maybe I need to repair it somehow" I muttered. 

          "Ha Ha Ha Ha, for a six year old you are surprisingly smart kid, I suppose only time will tell" Iroh said. 

          "Yeah I've always been pretty smart although I need to find a better balance between Training and my Academics." I said giving them a hug good bye. It was that thought in the evening that lead me to finding the dimension, sort of halfway between the mortal realm and the spirit realm. My training continued no longer impeding my grades thanks to this Mirror Dimension I don't have any friends and no one really knows it was me that stopped the fire so they all think I'm still quirkless. I choose to keep it that way if they knew what I was capable of it would be bad, Kacchan still bullies me, but I don't really get hurt anymore, that's another reason I don't have any friends. I still train during breaks and weekends refining my skills a lot till I began surpassing Roku and Iroh. That's what happened during my first two years of training.

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