My First Student

978 33 7

Izuku's POV: 


"I said I was quirkless NOT Powerless" I replied. "I believe you said you were running away, why don't you stay with me. Plus you'll be safe and I can explain what 'our' power is" 

"Uh sure why not but what do you mean our power" he asked. 

"Once we get there I will explain and I would like you to keep it a secret at least till I reveal my power to the world" I told him. "Now cmon It's time for dinner" with that we began to walk to my families apartment. To explain how I am still living there My Mom owns the building and we have a hired landlord we just live in the building. In actuality we have several businesses around the city but we both prefer to live simple lives hence the apartment. After walking for about 30 minuets we made it home. "Welcome are you hungry Touya" That's when his stomach growled. 

"Yeah, before I ran away I had dinner but we did training right after and I must have worked off the meal" he replied. 

"Ok I will start dinner, how's Katsu don sound" I asked. 

"Sounds good, let me know if you need help" he said. 

"Oh that wont be necessary Touya, My Mom taught me to cook and She has been in the hospital for a few months now so I'm used to it" I told him. After that I went into the kitchen and began cooking it was around 8:00PM when I finished. "Touya Dinner is ready" 

"OH Thank god" he said. 

"You washed up right" I asked. 

"Yes I did" he replied as he sat down. He took his first bite "Wow you are a great cook Izuku especially for 8 years old" 

"Why thank you Touya. Now to explain our powers" I said. "Long, long ago the spirits lived with us and we humans were scared of them as they could posses us and disfigure our bodies. We humans lived on these great beings known as the Lion Turtles of which there were four. One for each of the main four elements" I took a break to eat some of my katsu don. "Those four main elements are Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. We humans on occasion had to leave our Lion Turtles so for protection in what we called the Spirit Wilds the Lion Turtles granted us with the element they embody" another break for for more katsu don and some tea. "The Spirits were eventually forced to return to the Spirit World in order to maintain some peace between the humans and spirits and the Spirit world was sealed by the first Avatar, the only person who could bend all four elements." I finished eating and drank some more tea. 

"So you mean to tell me that what me and you have are not quirks but this ancient ability" Touya asked. 

"Yes that is precisely what I am saying" I replied. "The 'Drawback' you experience is because you are not supposed to bend fire directly off of your skin period" sips tea. "Tomorrow I will train you to use your bending more efficiently than Endeavor ever could oh and your parents are quirkless as well" 

"How my Mom has an Ice quirk and you will teach me" He replied. 

"Well yes I'll teach you at least till you go to UA" I said. "Also your mom is a very talented Water Bender" 

"I don't want to go to UA" he replied "I want to get revenge on Endeavor" 

"And what better way than to Knock him off his pedestal in the hero chart" I replied. "What I will teach you will make you potentially more powerful than All Might" 

"Ok, I'll do it but please don't push me like my father" He replied. 

"I wouldn't dream of teaching anyone that way what he did was challenge you to a match that's not training" I said. "Anyway for tonight practice breathing with you diaphragm" 

"Ok so long deep breaths got it thank god It is summer" Touya replied. 

"Yep and you graduated Middle School I have around five months to teach you enough for UA. Tomorrow we begin" I said. 


Ok let me know If you would like to see a bit of Touya at UA to break up some of monotonous story    

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