A New Friend

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Izuku is currently 8 years old

I am taking a break from training for a bit, I still practice what I already know but haven't moved on yet to Water Bending. I've mostly been going to school and visiting Mom in the hospital hoping she will wake up from her coma, and on the weekends I go out into the forest and race around practicing my Air Bending. Presently I am heading to the Hospital that My Mom is in.
"Hi I am here to see Rei Todoroki" ??? said.

"And who shall I say is here" the attendant said.

"Her son Touya Todoroki" the boy Touya said.

"Ok please wait over there for me to call you" the attendant replied. He walked over and sat near me. 

"Hi I'm here to visit my Mom too, how are you doing" I asked him.

"Fine" he said reluctantly, "and you"

He looked to be around fifteen, "The same, so what's your mom here for" I asked.

"My dumb dad sent here here to the mental ward for burning my youngest brother" he said.   "Even though the only reason she did that was because of him" he muttered.

"Wow my Dad left us when I was three, so what's your quirk" I asked. Mostly because I was curious something told me he was like me. 

"The same as my Dad, Endeavor, although my body can't handle the flames it's what I got from my Mom" he replied.

"I might be able to help you" I told him.

"Yeah how you got I fire quirk to" he asked.

"No I am quirkless but not powerless" I said.

"Izuku Midoriya you can head in now" the attendant called. 

"Coming" I said. 

"If your quirkless how can you help me" he asked. 

"Trust me I'll explain next time we meet, and I'm sure we will" I said. 

"Well see you next time Izuku" he said. 

"Same Touya see ya" I said. 

After that I made my way to my Mom's room, once there I sat in the chair next to her bed and meditated to the half dimension and brought her spirit to this world with me. 

"What's going on" Mom asked. 

"We are in a sort of half dimension Mom I brought your spirit here so I could talk to you, considering you are in a coma presently" I told here peacefully.

"Ah well at least we can talk here, so how are you my sweetie" she asked.

"Fine, would you like some tea I can go and get some from a friend" I asked.
"Who's the friend, and how would I be drinking it I'm a spirit" she asked.

"Some one who taught me how to defend myself and your over thinking it Mom it's kind of like we are in a mind scape" I replied. 

"Then why not" she said. 

"I'll be back in a moment then" I said going to the spirit world to get Iroh. "Iroh you here would you like to meet my Mom and bring some tea please. 

"Ah it has been awhile Izuku and of course it would be an honor to meet your mother, I'll bring Jasmine tea" he replied.
"Thanks she is in the half dimension shall we go" I asked.
"Yes" he said grabbing my shoulder so I can take us there.
"Mom this is Iroh he taught me one of my ways of defense" I said once we arrived.
"Hello, it has been a pleasure watching young Izuku grow" Iroh said.
"Ah thanks and what have you taught him" she asked.
"Izuku do you mind" Iroh asked me.
"Not at all" I said creating fire in the palm of my hand.
"Izuku when did you get a quirk" Mom asked.
"Well technically what he is doing is far older than quirks" Iroh replied as he held the kettle over my fire. "Your son is what is known as The Avatar, master of the elements"
"It is a long story Mom, I found the spirit Raava one day and I happened to be found by her turns out I was the person she has been looking for for a long time" I said. "The water is boiling Iroh"
"Ah yes thank you Izuku" he said pouring the water and adding the tea leaves, "jasmine tea Mrs. Midoriya"
"Ah thank you Iroh, so my baby can follow his dreams now right" she asked sipping her tea.
"Well that isn't my current goal Mom, right now I need to master the four base elements I've already mastered fire and air next is water. I'm just taking a break for now to relax maybe even help someone I met to master there flame bending" I said.
"Wow that's hard to believe but cool" Mom said.

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