Forest Fire

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Touya POV:
As long as I've known my father which is my entire life he has been trying to create the "Perfect Offspring", which initially he thought that was me. Then my youngest sibling Shoto was born with his quirk, half-hot half-cold. The final straw was when Mother was sent to a psych ward because she hurt his perfect child, which she did because of the abuse He did to her. So I visited her and told her I plan to runaway.

Izuku's POV:

It has been two days since I met Touya Todoroki and something seemed off in his emotions like that was the last time he would see his mother again. it was currently night time and I decided to go for a walk and some late night training in a forest on the outskirts of town. The moon  was a lovely crescent shape guiding my way with it's pale light. "I think it would be best for me to practice Air bending tonight" I said to my self softly upon my arrival to the edge of the forest. I promptly made an air scooter and made my wat to my favorite spot in the forest, a clearing by a nice babbling brook coming from a cliff. Once there I began practicing my Air bending. 

Toya POV:  

Earlier in the night

I'm in my Room packing light for my flight tonight. I finished and stashed it by the door with my coat. 

"Dinner is ready, don't forget to wash up" ??? said. 

"Right" I called. Fuyumi my slightly younger sister has been forced to grow up a lot since mom left, I wish I could take her with me but she wouldn't survive on the streets. I did as I  was told and washed my hands and met them at the table. Natsuo was sitting there Endeavor forbid us from visiting Mom and I know he missed her deeply, but he wasn't brave enough to face the consequences for disobeying he was too young so I couldn't take him either. 


"Yeah I did there is no reason we shouldn't see her especially if we want her to get better" I said forcing my self to be calm. 



"HM, eat well kid after dinner we are 'Training' for two hours" was all he said. 

"Fine" after that Fuyumi served dinner. We ate dinner in silence and when we finished. it was time to 'train' which consisted of him torturing me  to get me to use my quirk on him and go through my limits. Finally I snapped and hit him with a large amount of fire well creating a barrier be tween me and him. I then ran for the dojo door flung it open and grabbed my bag. Running as fast as I could I ran into the nearby forest and my quirk began to act up letting out jets of flame now and then causing many of the trees to catch fire. Eventually I ran into a clearing were I ran quite literally into Izuku who was doing some stretches. 

Izuku's POV: 

"Ow, oh hey Touya" I said. "What are you doing here"

"What am I doing here, what are you doing here. In a forest at night" he replied to me. 

"Oh me I was just about to train, now what about you" I said. 

"I'm running away I've had enough of my abusive father getting away with anything just because he is the number two hero" he told me with clear malice in his voice. 

"Ah that explains why you fire is blue, well no matter right now I need you to calm down and bring your 'quirk' under control if you don't mind" I asked of him. 

"Okay" He said as he began to take long calming breaths, after a while the fire in his hands disappear but a new problem arises as it were. 

"Did you by any chance shoot any fire out in to the forest Touya" I asked. 

"Um yeah, why" he replied. 

"Okay then this is an issue well I guess I have no choice, I will take care of the fire before it spreads" I said and got in to a stance and began focusing on the heat I felt around me. There was a lot of it "Ok I think I can do this" 

--Spirit World-- 

"Oh no this is bad there is no way he can do that alone" Roku said. 

"Well then It might be time for him to finally achieve 'it' don't you think" Iroh said. 

"You might be right Iroh 'She' does like to take control when we are in danger" Aang said. 

--Mortal World-- 

I took control of the fire and felt something down in my spirit a familiar presence. One I haven't felt for three years. 

"Izuku let me take hold you are skilled but not enough to take on this blaze at least not yet" Raava said. 

"Raava what do you mean" I asked. 

"The Avatar State, they told you it is you using the knowledge and skills of the past Avatars. That is only partially true I take the drivers seat and use all the knowledge gathered from your past lives to deal with what you face at least until you master the form" Raava said. 

"Then go ahead, take control" I said. 

 Touya POV: 

"Ok I think I can do this" Izuku said. All I could think was how your quirkless, then I saw him close his eyes and take a deep breath in and out. That's when he suddenly felt different a vague light coming off him then he raised his hand and the heat went towards it and the fire died out. he turned and his eyes opened glowing a vibrant blue and he directed the heat into the nearby stream.  

--This but minus the tattoo-- 

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--This but minus the tattoo-- 

He took another deep breath in and closed his eyes when he opened them again they were back to normal. "WHAT WAS THAT I THOUGHT YOU WERE QUIRKLESS" his response was. 

"I said I was quirkless NOT powerless"

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