Quirk Apprehension Test

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Izuku POV:

          Two weeks later we both received our acceptance letters, we both already knew we got in this was basically confirmation on what class we were in. We both managed to get into Class-1A, Melissa was fourth place out of the entrance exam and I was just ahead of Bakugou putting me in first place. The day after we sent in our measurements for the school uniforms, normal wear, Summer wear, and our sports outfit. As well as our preferred specs for our hero uniforms. 

          Melissa decided to go with a uniform based on traditional water tribe cloths with improved fabrics for better durability. Her outfit looks like what Katara wore in warmer weather, she also has to waterskin like bandoliers around her back incase she needs water. She is still learning how to pull water from her surroundings. For my Hero outfit I went for traditional Fire nation design not that I will be using fire bending anytime soon. My outfit has some custom metal bracers around my wrists and custom metal shoes I can slide open for better use of Seismic sense. In the metal bracers I have a miniaturized versions of the wire movement gear used by the police of republic city.   

--- For Izuku his outfit is like a long sleeve version of Zuko's outfit from when he joined team avatar. The shoes are a lot like the ones by the one used by republic city police. ---

          We both got dressed in out school uniforms and took a ride to school from Touya. He dropped us off at the gate and we walked into the building and up to our classroom. We arrived early on purpose and to my surprise there were four others already in the room. A tall, mature looking female with black hair pulled back in a ponytail with onyx eyes. A male with hair split near perfectly down the middle red and white, his eyes were one black and one electric blue. Then there was the kid who aided me in rescuing the brunette from the zero pointer. Lastly Katsuki was also present and he was currently locked in an argument with the kid who helped me. 

          "Will you take your feet off of the desk!" the kid who helped me shouted at Katsuki hand chopping. "It is disrespectful to those who came before you and those who made that desk." 

         "Will you shut up already!" Katsuki shouted back at him. "How stuck up can you be."  

         "How rude, I am Tenya Iida from Somei Private academy." Tenya said offering his hand to shake. 

          "Oh Somei, Your not just stuck up your and elite" Katsuki said. "Leave me alone already." he took his feet off the desk just to get Tenya away from him.  

          As we were sitting down Tenya set his sights on me, "You your the kid that figured out the true meaning behind the entrance exam." He said as he approached me.

          "I did no such thing Tenya," I said. "I merely did what any hero would in the situation, and on top of that you helped me do it."

          "While you are right about that I suppose," he said.

Time Skip

          Its been about thirty minutes and the classrooms desks are all full up now. I sat in quiet meditation for the majority of the wait, Melissa decided to socialize for the majority of it. "Everyone sit down and be quiet our teacher is almost here." I said opening my eyes. 

          "What?" a girl with pink skin and hair said. "How could you possible know that." 

          "He isn't wrong," a older gruff voice said. "If your here to make friends then your in the wrong place. We have three years to make you lot heroes so time can't be wasted. Now go down to the locker rooms and change into your provided sportswear and meet me on the field." 

          "Sir," the Brunette me and Tenya had saved interrupted. "What about orientation?" 

          "UA prides itself on its freedom." he responded now at the door. "That freedom extends to us teachers as well so we are allowed to conduct our classes as we see fit. And I say orientation is a waste of time, now meet me at the field." 

          With that he left and we all began making our way to locker rooms to change. It was uneventful apart from an annoying pervert grape head which I threatened with third degree burns should he use the peep hole he found to the girls locker room. 

          "You all need to work on your punctuality," our teacher said. "I am Shota Aizawa, you may call me Aizawa sensei. Now what we are about to do is a Quirk apprehension test, you all know those tests you did all throughout middle school. Well now you get to use your quirks." 

3rd POV:    

          Izuku used his mastery of Fire bending to help succeed in all the tests his overall score put him in first place. Melissa on the other hand got closer to Sixth place she wasn't as adept at pulling water from straight air as Izuku was so she could only use what she could of her own sweat and some of others to aid in her tests. 

          ---I'm sorry this has taken me so long to write and I am sorry that the chapter is so short I have had a bit of a creativity drain for a bit with regards to this story. I also apologies for how short this chapter is. Regardless I hope you enjoy this chapter.---

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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