Touya's Training

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---means authors note or location---

Izuku's POV: 

---Spirit World, The night I took Touya as my student---

"Iroh I have my first student but I only have five months to prepare him for the UA entrance Exam" I said taking a sip of tea. 

"That is wonderful teach him well, I presume that he is the young man you saved the other day" He said sipping tea, "well regardless his hatred burns bright, so his flames will be blue. I suggest that you train him to use and understand that hatred so it does not overtake him" He said.

---No not like the force---

"Understood and I will teach him to the best of my abilities" I replied and finished my tea readying myself to leave "well see you later Iroh"  

"Until we meet again" Iroh said. 

---Mortal World, Izuku's Room---

Now to get to bed so my mind can be prepared for the intense training of tomorrow, with that I went to bed and woke up at six to get Touya up. "Touya time to get up and don't forget to stretch" 

"Uh ok I won't, but why so early" He said. 

"It is best to start the day with some mild body training" I replied. 

"Body training? what do you mean?" Touya asked. 

"Legs, core, arms then we rest and eat breakfast" I told him. 

"Ok well what did you have in mind?" He asked. 

"Well today is Monday, on Mondays I typically do 100 push ups, sit ups, and pull ups followed by a 10 km run" I told him. 

"Tell me your joking" he said. 

"Of course I am today we will focus on strengthening the core for morning exercise, 1 plank 30 sec 0 sec rest, followed by 2 bug reps 10 sec 0sec rest, finishing with 3 boat reps 30 sec 1 min rest all of that in five rounds total. Make sense Touya" I told him. 

"You know a lot on this subject" was his reply. 

"For five years of my life I didn't have this ability so I relied on my body being fast enough to escape my bullies" I told him. 

"Oh, sorry for asking" He said. 

"Don't be I go to school online now so I can focus on Training, which personally helps a lot with self defense as some martial arts are what remains of the old arts of bending" I told him. 

"What martial arts derives from fire bending then" Touya asked me. 

"The northern shaolin styles comes from Fire bending" I told him. "Do you have any experience in that system" 

"I'm afraid that no I don't" He told me. 

"By the time I leave for my journey you will hopefully be on par with me in the element of fire" I tell him. "Now lets train" with that we proceeded outside and began training the five rounds of core exercise. I gave him a meal to help build up his muscles and told him we continue training at 1 in the afternoon. From there I proceeded to do all of my homework for the rest of our training sessions, with an hour left before we continue training. "Touya do you want to continue now I got done early" I call out. 

"Ok yeah what are we doing next" He asked.

 "Lets do some fire bending but we will go to the beach for that it tends to be safer" I tell him already grabbing water bottles, and snacks. With that gathered we left to the beach which has become an illegal dumping site for garbage.

"So what are we doing first" Touya asks looking at all the garbage. 

"Well I want you to try to create fire in your hands with it not touching your skin" I tell him. 

"Ok how do you do it, Izuku" He asked me. 

"Well for me I was trained from the beginning to create fire away from my body, and in general I am well attuned with fire as it is were I fell in the cycle. Try picturing a small fire in front of you and then cradle it in your hands. Always remember fire is alive it breaths and consumes in this case feed the fire your emotions and let them melt away" I told him with that he didn't speak for a while until I saw it a small blue fire in his cupped hands, not touching or burning his skin. "Well done, well done Touya keep focusing and feed your fire more or it will go out" I finished. 

"I did it, I actually did it. I really did what should I do next Izu" He said excited causing his fire to grow but he maintained control. 

"You can let it go Touya, and we will begin with the basics of fire bending" the same scroll I started out with and have mastered so many years ago. "Touya this is the basics from now on you will be learning from this scroll and subsequent ones about the art of fire bending. Eventually we will have a sparing match once I see you are ready I will move you into a more advanced technique like this" I say as I begin channeling lightning and unleash it into the air. 

"Wait that was fire bending" he asked. 

"Not quite that is what happens when fire bending meets water bending techniques" I tell him. 

"So I can do that" He asks. 

"Yes with enough training you will be able to do it as well as heat bending, before you ask that's what I did in the forest" I tell him. With that I proceed to walk him through all of the steps he payed attention well. His training continued for 1 1/2 more months were I thought he might be ready for the next step finally I decided it was time for the spare. 

---To be Continued---    

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